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How to automatically show a MKPointAnnotation title when a function is called?


I'm creating a function that when it's called, it will zoom in into the custom pin annotation coordinates and show its title and subtitle. The zoom part works fine, the only thing I can't do it's the title and subtitle part.

 private func addCustomPinRectoría1() {
        let pin1 = MKPointAnnotation()
        pin1.coordinate = coordinatesRectoría1
        pin1.title = "Rectoría"
        pin1.subtitle = "Parada TigreBus"

  func selectAnnotation(_ vc: ContentViewController, didSelectLocationWith coordinates: CLLocationCoordinate2D?) {
        guard let coordinates = coordinates else {
        let selectedPin = MKPointAnnotation()
        selectedPin.coordinate = coordinates

        // Here is where I need to display the pin's title and subtitle automatically

        center: coordinates,
        span: MKCoordinateSpan(latitudeDelta: 0.008, longitudeDelta: 0.008)),
                      animated: true)

I don't know if this is useful, but I'll also leave this part of the code:

  func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView, viewFor annotation: MKAnnotation) -> MKAnnotationView? {
        guard !(annotation is MKUserLocation) else {
            return nil
        var annotationView = map.dequeueReusableAnnotationView(withIdentifier: "custom")
        if annotationView == nil {
            annotationView = MKAnnotationView(annotation: annotation, reuseIdentifier: "custom")
            annotationView?.canShowCallout = true
        else {
            annotationView?.annotation = annotation
        annotationView?.image = UIImage(named: "TigreBusParada")
        annotationView?.frame.size = CGSize(width: 35, height: 100)
        return annotationView

CodePudding user response:

Select annotation after adding it to mapView. Here is the code.

func selectAnnotation(_ vc: ContentViewController, didSelectLocationWith coordinates: CLLocationCoordinate2D?) {
    guard let coordinates = coordinates else {
    let selectedPin = MKPointAnnotation()
    selectedPin.coordinate = coordinates
    //add this line to show the title and subtitle
    map.selectAnnotation(selectedPin, animated: false)
        center: coordinates,
        span: MKCoordinateSpan(latitudeDelta: 0.008, longitudeDelta: 0.008)),
                  animated: true)
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