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Fetch data from firestore and firebase storage and displaying in flutter


I am querying data from firestore and with the data, I am getting the Image data from the firestore. With image information I am getting getdownloadUrl(); The print statement inside the properties.docs.map are not working (What I mean is nothing is working after the data is fetched from firestore), And loading indicator in bloc is always showing.

class FixedCubit extends Cubit<FixedState> {
  FixedCubit() : super(FixedInitial());

  void fetchProperties()async{
    List<UploadModel> upload = [];
    final QuerySnapshot properties =
    await FirebaseRepo.instance.getFixedHomes().get();

    properties.docs.map((e) async {

      final String url  = await FirebaseRepo.instance
          .downloadAllUserURLs(e.get('uid'), e.get('pickedFilesName')[0]);
      upload.add(UploadModel.fromMap(e.data() as Map<String, dynamic>,url));

This is my state class

part of 'fixed_cubit.dart';

abstract class FixedState {}

class FixedInitial extends FixedState {}

class FixedLoading extends FixedState {}

class FixedSuccess extends FixedState {
  final List<UploadModel> uploadModel;


class FixedUnSuccess extends FixedState {
  final String? msg;


These are the firebase methods

///  =========  Database  Get ========== ///

  Query getFixedHomes() {
    return _firestore
        .where('preference', isEqualTo: 'Fixed Price')
        .orderBy('createdAt', descending: true);

  Future<String> downloadAllUserURLs(String uid, String image) async {
    return await firebase_storage.FirebaseStorage.instance
        .catchError((onError) {
      print('On FirebaseStorage Exception $onError');

This is Bloc

BlocConsumer<FixedCubit, FixedState>(
          bloc: BlocProvider.of<FixedCubit>(context),
          builder: (context, state) {
            if (state is FixedLoading) {
              return Center(child: getCircularProgress());
            } else if (state is FixedSuccess) {
              return SizedBox(
                height: 300.0,
                child: ListView.builder(
                  physics: const BouncingScrollPhysics(),
                  scrollDirection: Axis.horizontal,
                  itemCount: state.uploadModel.length,
                  itemBuilder: (BuildContext context, int index) {
                    final value = state.uploadModel[index];

                        'File name ${state.uploadModel[index].pickedFilesName}');

                    return GestureDetector(
                      onTap: () {
                            arguments: value.thumbnail);
                      child: CustomFixed(
                          image: value.thumbnail.toString(),
                          city: value.city.toString(),
                          startPrice: value.startPrice.toString(),
                          endPrice: value.endPrice.toString(),
                          title: value.title.toString()),
            } else {
              return const Text('Something went wrong');
          listener: (context, state) {}),

CodePudding user response:

Update use for loop instead of map() function

for (var e in properties.docs) {
      final String url = await FirebaseRepo.instance
          .downloadAllUserURLs(e.get('uid'), e.get('pickedFilesName')[0]);
      upload.add(UploadModel.fromMap(e.data() as Map<String, dynamic>, url));
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