Hi how are u? I wanted to know why I wouldn't be able to connect to the Api Rest (made in python Flask Localhost) from my cell phone (I use it as a divice with the cable, I don't use the emulator). I don't know if maybe something needs to be configured in android. I read somewhere that you have to put it in the AndroidManifest.xml
I put it in but it still doesn't work. I have tried using “localHost” “” “” but nothing works. I don't know what I'm doing wrong, I send you my code
class AuthService extends ChangeNotifier{
final String _baseurl= '';
Future<String> login(String email, String password) async{
final Map<String,dynamic> authData={
// 'returnSecureToken':true
final url= Uri.http(_baseurl, 'api/auth'
// {
// 'key':_apiToken
// }
final resp= await http.post(url,body:json.encode(authData));
final Map<String,dynamic> decodeResp =json.decode(resp.body);
return decodeResp[0];
If you can help me I would really appreciate it, I'm really going crazy trying to find the answer.
CodePudding user response:
I don't know much about flask, however:
- Are both devices on the same network? This may be a stupid question, but sometimes they aren't.
- Is the IP address you put the actual private IP address? You can do
ip addr
on Linux andipconfig
on Windows to get your private IP address. - Try "". In
, and possibly in Flask, means any connection. You can also view my similar question here.
CodePudding user response:
i find the solution , in Flask u must be to write the host
if __name__ == '__main__':
# load_dotenv()
app.run(debug=True,port=8000,host="your Ip")