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Delphi xe10 indy httpserver webservice how to support remote JS cross-domain calls


Add on the HTTP response Access - Control - Allow - Origin * this know

How to write the httpserver response header????

CodePudding user response:

Alternative solution to compile Apache or IIS modules

CodePudding user response:

Procedure TServer. IdHTTPServerCommandGet (AContext: TIdContext; ARequestInfo: TIdHTTPRequestInfo; AResponseInfo: TIdHTTPResponseInfo);
CContext: TClientContext;
T: TSomeThread;
The begin
//Sleep (10000);

T:=TSomeThread. Create (true);
T.F reeOnTerminate:=true;
T.S tart.

AResponseInfo. ResponseNo:=200;
AResponseInfo. CacheControl:='no - cache;
AResponseInfo. CustomHeaders. Add (' Access - Control - Allow - Origin: * ');
AResponseInfo. ContentText:='ok';
AResponseInfo. ResponseNo:=200;
AResponseInfo. WriteContent;

The end;
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