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Allways update a certain field of an entity everytime before calling save()


So I have three entites. A, B and P (P is superclass). This is how they look like:

public class P {

    public Long id;

    public LocalDateTime lastUpdated = LocalDateTime.now();
  //Other fileds, getters, setters, etc...

public class A extends P {

  //fileds, getters, setters, etc..

public class B extends P {

  //fileds, getters, setters, etc..

And I have repositories for both entities A and B

public interface ARepository extends JpaRepository<A, Long> {


B repository

public interface BRepository extends JpaRepository<B, Long> {


When I save an entity, I have to update the field lastUpdated by callin the setter method before save() everytime like so:

public class AService {
    private final ARepository aRepository;

    public AService(ARepository aRepository){
        this.aRepository= aRepository;

    public A doSomethingToA(A a){
        //Run some logic here...
        a.setLastUpdated(LocalDateTime.now()); // I dont want this line one very update method of every entity. is there a way to put it inside the save() method (overriding or something), or any other solution to this?
        return aRepository.save(a);

The problem here is that if I have 200 entities that extend the class P, I have to call this setLastUpdated() method everytime before calling save(). Is there anyway I can put this line inside of the save method? (without having to override save on all 200 repositories of the 200 entites that extend P).

CodePudding user response:

You could use Hibernate's EntityListener on your class P :

public class P {

    public void setLastUpdated() {
       lastUpdated = LocalDateTime.now();

Official documentation about it : https://docs.jboss.org/hibernate/stable/entitymanager/reference/en/html/listeners.html

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