Known '. \ memo. TXT '
Memo. TXT text file with the
The original string
The original string
The original string
Need under the [GOLON] written string
Each time you save all the string written before in deleted but not to delete the original string
The string 1
String 2
String 3
String 4
The original string
A great god grant instruction for example study best
CodePudding user response:
unit Unit1;
USES the
Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
Dialogs, StdCtrls;
TForm1=class (TForm)
Memo1: TMemo;
For: TButton;
Edit1: TEdit;
Memo2: TMemo;
ComboBox1: TComboBox;
Button3: TButton;
Button4: TButton;
Procedure Button1Click (Sender: TObject);
Procedure Button3Click (Sender: TObject);
Procedure Button4Click (Sender: TObject);
{Private declarations}
{Public declarations}
The end;
Form1: TForm1;
{$R *. DFM}
Procedure SetText (FileName: string; The title, S: string);//function
Var MyList: TStringList;
I, j, k: integer;
Label X;
The begin
MyList:=TStringList. Create;
MyList. LoadFromFile (FileName);
For I:=0 to Mylist. Do the Count - 1
The begin
If the Trim (MyList. Strings [I])=Trim (title) then
The begin
//find the tail
J:=j + 1;
Until (j=Mylist Count - 1) or (Copy (Trim (Mylist. Strings [j]), 1, 1)='[');
Showmessage (inttostr (j));
If J> (I + 1) then//delete
The begin
For k: downto I=j - 1 + 1 do
Mylist. Delete (k);
The end;
If I=Mylist.//Count - 1
add new charactersThen Mylist. Add (S)
The else Mylist. Insert (I + 1, S);
Goto X;
The end;
The end;
MyList. SaveToFile (FileName);
Mylist. Free;
The end;
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);//processing
Var FileName, Title, S: a string;
The begin
FileName:='D: \ memo. TXT';
Title:=Combobox1. Text;
S:=Memo2. Text;
SetText (FileName, title, S);
Memo1. Lines. LoadFromFile (Filename);
The end;
Procedure TForm1. Button3Click (Sender: TObject);//read
Var FileName, Title, S: a string;
The begin
FileName:='D: \ memo. TXT';
Memo1. Lines. LoadFromFile (Filename);
The end;
Procedure TForm1. Button4Click (Sender: TObject);//write
Var FileName, Title, S: a string;
The begin
FileName:='D: \ memo. TXT';
Memo1. Lines. SaveToFile (Filename);
The end;
CodePudding user response:
They change, they can use, you can also add a small title, such as [888]