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Prompt access violation at address 00 d2460b module in 'BORLNDMM. DLL' mistakes


Retrieve the time key, as there is no problem for the first time, press the second will prompt wrong, which help under, follows the c + + BUILDER6 source

 void __fastcall TfrmMain: : btnGetTimeClick (TObject * Sender) 
LONG iMachineId=1;

LONG iYear=0;
LONG * pYear=& amp; IYear;

LONG iMonth=0;
LONG * pMonth=& amp; IMonth;

LONG iDay=0;
LONG * pDay=& amp; IDay;

LONG iHour=0;
LONG * pHour=& amp; IHour;

LONG iMinute=0;
LONG * pMinute=& amp; IMinute;

LONG iSecond=0;
LONG * pSecond=& amp; ISecond;

AnsiString sTimeMsg="";

WideString sIP="";
Would be * wpIP=NULL;
for(int i=0; i{
If (CheckListBoxDevs - & gt; Checked [I])
AddMsg (" you have chosen: "+ CheckListBoxDevs - & gt; The Items - & gt; Strings [I]);
SIP=CheckListBoxDevs - & gt; The Items - & gt; Strings [I];

If (CZKEM1 - & gt; Connect_Net (wpIP, 4370))
AddMsg (" equipment connection success!" );
CZKEM1 - & gt; GetDeviceTime (iMachineId pYear, pMonth pDay, pHour, pMinute, pSecond);
STimeMsg=IntToStr (iYear) + "-" + IntToStr (iMonth) + "-" + IntToStr (iDay) + "" + IntToStr (iHour) +" : "+ IntToStr (iMinute) +" : "+ IntToStr (iSecond);
AddMsg (" equipment time: "+ sTimeMsg);
The else
AddMsg (" equipment connection fails! IP is: "+ CheckListBoxDevs - & gt; The Items - & gt; Strings [I]);
CZKEM1 - & gt; Disconnect ();
if(NULL !=wpIP)
Delete the wpIP;


CodePudding user response:

It is sheer nonsense, remove the wpIP sample shut all
If (CZKEM1 - & gt; Connect_Net (wpIP, 4370))
If (CZKEM1 - & gt; Connect_Net (sIP) c_bstr (), 4370))
In addition, GetDeviceTime function in the iYear/iMonth etc directly to the variables plus & amp; Direct generation inside is ok, don't gild the lily to define so many LONG * object,
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