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DLL call, window display. But the main program closed, form the object how to release?


DLL interface function
The function LoadDllForm (AHandle AParent: HWnd) : TForm; Stdcall;
The begin
Application. Handle:=AHandle;
Application CreateForm (TfrmTest frmTest);
FrmTest. ParentWindow:=AParent;
FrmTest. BorderStyle:=bsNone;
FrmTest. WindowState:=wsMaximized;

FrmTest. Show;

FrmTest. Free;

The main program using static call
DLL interface function declaration
The function LoadDllForm (AHandle AParent: HWnd) : TForm; Stdcall; External 'TestDLL. DLL'

The main program called
FrmDllForm:=LoadDllForm (Application. Handle, Panel1. Handle);

Main program according to normal, but the program is closed, how can I release frmTest object? Direct frmDllForm. Free just frmTest logout function of the parent object

CodePudding user response:

Create, where you generally follow the release principle, you can create a window Handle to keep up, and then write a method, Export, Handle, and then you find the corresponding internal form, and then the DLL released, that is to say, you LoadDllForm returns a Handle, and then write a FreeDLLForm, parameters for LoadDllForm the returned Handle, and then to deal with by yourself

CodePudding user response:

There is a more troublesome thing, know handle, how to obtain the object instances? Can help solve?

CodePudding user response:

Sorry, you DLL you save the line ah, using a Hash stored on, and then according to the object handle to find your saved release!

CodePudding user response:

Close the program through the handle to release,

CodePudding user response:

Can give simple code

CodePudding user response:

//pseudo code
The List: TStringList;

The function LoadDllForm (AHandle AParent: HWnd) : THandle; Stdcall;
The begin
Application. Handle:=AHandle;
Application CreateForm (TfrmTest frmTest);
FrmTest. ParentWindow:=AParent;
FrmTest. BorderStyle:=bsNone;
FrmTest. WindowState:=wsMaximized;

FrmTest. Show;

Result:=frmTest. Handle;
If the list=nil then
The begin
List:=TStringList. Create;
List. AddObject (inttostr (Result), frmtest);
FrmTest. Free;

Procedure LoadDllForm (AHandle: HWnd); Stdcall;
The begin
If the list & lt;> Nil then
The begin
Independence idx:=list. Indexof (inttostr (AHandle));
If independence idx & lt;> 1 then
List. The Objects/independence idx. Free;

All said very understand, also don't want to give the code,,, they need to think about more,

CodePudding user response:

Speak a little bit rogue main program have closed process is dead is automatically released not virgo you can regardless of the ha ha

CodePudding user response:

Procedure TForm. FormClose (Sender: TObject; Var Action: TCloseAction);
The begin

CodePudding user response:

Please use the eighth floor
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