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Data framing summary statistics in R


I need to create a XLSX file containing the summary statistics (as in the summary() function), but I am not being able to create a reliable way to separate each value (mean, median, NA's etc.) into separate rows for each variable from the original variables. Since my database has more than 200 variables, I do need to create a more systematic way, instead of manually deleting words in my XLSXoutput.

After some research, I found some partial solutions, such as:

x1 <- as.data.frame(do.call(cbind, lapply(df, summary, is.numeric)))
x2 <- data.frame(unclass(summary(df1)), check.names = FALSE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
x3 <- as.data.frame(apply(df,2,summary))
x4 <- data.frame(df1=matrix(df1),row.names=names(df1))

And what I need is something like this:

          y1      y2      y3       y4       y5
Min.    1.00    1.00    23.00    50.00    6.00
1st Qu. 31.75   3.75    30.50    57.25    11.75
Median  43.00   7.00    56.00    76.00    15.00
Mean    51.75   6.10    55.55    72.05    14.35
3rd Qu. 80.25   8.25    73.50    83.75    17.00
Max.    99.00   10.00    100.00  95.00    20.00

If someone would like to do some exercise, this database gives the same errors as my huge one:

x1 <- rpois(20,5)
x2 <- rexp(20,2)
x3 <- rexp(20,5); x3[1:10] <- NA_real_
x4 <- runif(20,5,10)
x5 <- runif(20,5,12)
df1 <- data.frame(x1,x2,x3,x4,x5)

Thanks in advance!

CodePudding user response:

considering an example dataframe with columns y1, y2, ..., yn to summarise:


data.frame(y1 = rnorm(100),
           y2 = runif(100) ##, ... yn
           ) %>%
             names_to = 'variable',
             values_to = 'value'
             ) %>%
    group_by(variable) %>%
    summarise(Min = min(value, na.rm = TRUE),
              Median = median(value, na.rm = TRUE) ##, ad libidum
              ) %>%
    pivot_longer(-variable) %>%
    pivot_wider(names_from = variable)

Generally, package {broom} offers convenient tidying of summaries into tibbles:

summary(1:10) %>% tidy
lm(displ ~ cyl, data = mpg) %>% tidy

or, if you want wide instead of long table format (as in your example):


summary(1:10) %>%
    tidy %>%
                 names_to = 'stat',
                 values_to = 'value'

CodePudding user response:

Consider casting summary results to data.frame, cleaning the columns, then reshape the output:

summary_raw <- summary(df1)

summary_long <- within(
  data.frame(summary_raw), {
    Var2 <- trimws(Var2)
    Agg <- trimws(sapply(strsplit(Freq, ':'), "[", 1))
    Num <- as.numeric(sapply(strsplit(Freq, ':'), "[", 2))
    rm(Var1, Freq)
) |> subset(
  !is.na(Agg) & !is.na(Num)

summary_wide <- reshape(
  idvar = "Agg",
  v.names = "Num",
  timevar = "Var2",
  direction = "wide",
) |> `row.names<-`(NULL)

colnames(summary_wide) <- gsub(
    "Num\\.", "", names(summary_wide)



x1 <- rpois(20,5)
x2 <- rexp(20,2)
x3 <- rexp(20,5); x3[1:10] <- NA_real_
x4 <- runif(20,5,10)
x5 <- runif(20,5,12)
df1 <- data.frame(x1,x2,x3,x4,x5)


> summary_wide
      Agg    x1       x2        x3    x4     x5
1    Min.  1.00 0.003004  0.009565 5.034  6.240
2 1st Qu.  3.00 0.086428  0.020734 6.903  7.323
3  Median  4.00 0.279303  0.035791 7.829  9.492
4    Mean  4.85 0.323793  0.098930 7.780  9.125
5 3rd Qu.  6.25 0.548857  0.067267 8.622 10.685
6    Max. 12.00 0.928066  0.523284 9.908 11.867
7    NA's    NA       NA 10.000000    NA     NA

CodePudding user response:

Here a one-liner.

lapply(df1, summary) |> lapply(`length<-`, 6) |>  do.call(what=rbind) |> t() |> round(2)
#           x1   x2   x3   x4    x5
# Min.    1.00 0.03 0.03 5.23  5.48
# 1st Qu. 2.75 0.26 0.11 6.51  6.85
# Median  4.00 0.56 0.20 8.25  8.29
# Mean    4.55 0.57 0.24 7.94  8.29
# 3rd Qu. 6.00 0.70 0.28 9.43  9.57
# Max.    9.00 1.94 0.82 9.79 11.78

Just use summary in an lapply, adapt the lengths to 6 to remove the NA display, rbind, transpose and round it. Works for numeric data as in your example.

Note: R >= 4.1 used.

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