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How to map variable values to pattern fills - ggplot / ggpattern (


ggplot(unique(films2[,c("film","word.len.avg")]) ,aes(film,word.len.avg,fill=film,)) 
                   pattern = 
                   pattern_angle = c(rep(45, ), 
                                     rep(60, ), 
                                     rep(45, ),
                                     rep(45, ),
                   fill            = 'white',
                   colour          = 'black', 
                   pattern_density = .35, 
                   pattern_fill    = 'darkblue',
                   pattern_colour  = 'darkblue'
  scale_x_discrete(breaks = c("dial.m.for.murder", "pscyho", "rear.window", "rope", "vertigo"), 
                   labels = c("Dial M for Murder", "Psycho", "Rear Window", "Rope", "Vertigo")) 
  aes(pattern = film) 
theme(legend.position = "right")   
  coord_fixed(ratio = 1.5) 
  scale_pattern_spacing_discrete(range = c(0.01, 0.05)) 

Hi I have the above code for a bar graph with pattern fills. See associated image below. This is code I cobbled together from various sources on stack overflow, and I'm pleased it finally works in that I now finally have five bars with a different fill pattern in each. However, it's clear that these patterns are not necessarily associated with a specific film (there are five values for film). I'm wondering how I can get the pattern fills to be mapped to specific films, because at the moment the legend won't show, and I'm assuming it's because of this (i.e. things haven't been mapped properly?). Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Maroenter image description here

Just to add, I found this online enter image description here

You may have noticed that I used geom_col_pattern().

I saw that you have aes(pattern = film) this line is not doing anything, it needs to be tied to a geom_ or stat_ call.

If you are set on how your variables are presented, you can use scale_color_manual and scale_fill_manual calls to do this.

For example:

ggplot(unique(films2[,c("film","word.len.avg")], aes(film, word.len.avg,, fill = film)) 
                   pattern = c("circle", "stripe", "none",
                               "wave", "crosshatch" ),
                   pattern_angle = c(45, 60, rep(45, 3)),
                   # fill            = 'white',
                   colour          = 'black', 
                   pattern_density = .35, 
                   pattern_fill    = 'darkblue',
                   pattern_colour  = 'darkblue'
  )   scale_fill_manual(values = setNames(c("darkred", "darkblue", "white", 
                                                    "lightyellow", "gray"),
  scale_x_discrete(breaks = c("dial.m.for.murder", "pscyho", 
                              "rear.window", "rope", "vertigo"), 
                   labels = c("Dial M for Murder", "Psycho", "
                              Rear Window", "Rope", "Vertigo")) 
  # aes(pattern = film) 
  theme(legend.position = "right")   scale_pattern_fill_viridis_c()  
  coord_fixed(ratio = 1.5) 
  scale_pattern_spacing_discrete(range = c(0.01, 0.05))

enter image description here

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