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Ever which development receive send WeChat messages content module?


Have any master using DELPHI development in their own program to send and receive WeChat content?

If yes, please grant instruction!

Be very grateful!

CodePudding user response:

Using TIdHTTPWebBrokerBridge
Response WeChat server GET and POST over data
But the advice is to use PHP or ASP.NET to do
Under a code before, do not remember the original author, thanks to the source author
Procedure TWebModule1. WebModule1CheckSignatureAction (Sender: TObject;
Request: TWebRequest; Response: TWebResponse; Var Handled: Boolean);
Signature: string;
Timestamp: string;
Nonce: string;
Echostr: string;
STRS: TStringList;
TmpStr: string;
The begin
Signature:=Request. QueryFields. Values [' signature '];
Timestamp:=Request. QueryFields. Values [' timestamp];
Nonce:=Request. QueryFields. Values [' nonce];
Echostr:=Request. QueryFields. Values [' echostr];

The STRS: TStringList=. Create;

STRS. Add (Token);
STRS. Add (timestamp);
STRS. Add (nonce);

STRS. Sort;
TmpStr:=STRS STRS [0] + [1] + STRS [2].
TmpStr:=SHA1 (tmpStr);

If tmpStr=signature then
The Response. The Content:=echostr
The else
The Response. The Content:=' ';

STRS. Destroy;

//the default HTTP service response to test for a normal HTTP service
Procedure TWebModule1. WebModule1DefaultHandlerAction (Sender: TObject;
Request: TWebRequest; Response: TWebResponse; Var Handled: Boolean);
The begin

The Response. The Content:='& lt; html> <meta HTTP - equiv="content-type" Content="text/HTML. Charset="GB2312"/& gt; <body> The server normal oh & lt;/body> ';

//WeChat response
Procedure TWebModule1. WebModule1wechatAction (Sender: TObject;
Request: TWebRequest; Response: TWebResponse; Var Handled: Boolean);
XmlRequest: IXMLDocument;
XmlResponse: IXMLDocument;
Node: IXMLNode;
TmpContent: RawByteString;
FromUserName: string;
ToUserName: string;
Content: the String;
MsgType: string;
CoResult: Integer;
The begin
TmpContent:=Request. The Content;
AddRequestContent (tmpContent);

//in multi-threaded applications using MSXML based on ActiveX,
to execute the following statementsCoInitializeEx (Nil, COINIT_MULTITHREADED);
If not ((CoResult=S_OK) or (CoResult=S_FALSE)) then
The begin
AddLog (' Failed to initialize the COM library. ');
The Response. The Content:=' ';
The Exit;

//interpretation from WeChat push messages, this example only response text message
AddLog (' Create Request XMLDocument Object Ok. ');

XmlRequest. XML. BeginUpdate;
XmlRequest. XML. Text:=tmpContent;
XmlRequest. XML. EndUpdate;
AddLog (' Set xmlRequest. The Text from the Request, the Content of Ok. ');

XmlRequest. Active:=True;
AddLog (' Set xmlRequest Active Ok. ');

ToUserName:=xmlRequest DocumentElement..childnodes. Nodes [' toUserName] NodeValue;
AddLog (' ToUserName: '+ ToUserName);

FromUserName:=xmlRequest DocumentElement..childnodes. Nodes [' fromUserName] NodeValue;
AddLog (+ FromUserName FromUserName:);

MsgType:=xmlRequest DocumentElement..childnodes. Nodes [' msgType] NodeValue;
AddLog (" MsgType: + MsgType);

If msgType='text' then
The begin
Content:=xmlRequest DocumentElement..childnodes. Nodes [' content '] NodeValue;
AddLog (' Content: '+ Content);
On E: the Exception do Addlog (E.M essage);

XmlRequest. Active:=False;

//reply to the sender of the message structure, in this case only for reply text message
AddLog (' Create Response XMLDocument Object Ok. ');

XmlResponse. XML. Text:='& lt; Xml> 12345678 & lt;/CreateTime> 0 ';
AddLog (' Set xmlResponse. The Text to the Default Test - XML Message Ok. ');

XmlResponse. Active:=true;
AddLog (' Set xmlResponse Active Ok. ');

Node:=xmlResponse DocumentElement..childnodes. Nodes [' ToUserName];
Node. NodeValue:=fromUserName;
AddLog (' Set ToUserName to: + fromUserName);

Node:=xmlResponse DocumentElement..childnodes. Nodes [' FromUserName];
Node. NodeValue:=toUserName;
AddLog (' Set FormUserName to: + toUserName);

Node:=xmlResponse DocumentElement..childnodes. Nodes (" CreateTime ");
Node. NodeValue:=UnixTime (Now);
AddLog (' Set CreateTime to: + Node. The NodeValue);

Node:=xmlResponse DocumentElement..childnodes. Nodes [' MsgType];
Node. NodeValue:='text';
AddLog (' Set MsgType to: + Node. The NodeValue);

Node:=xmlResponse DocumentElement..childnodes. Nodes [' Content '];
Node. NodeValue:='hello! '# 10' welcome ';
AddLog (' Set the Content to: + Node. The NodeValue);

Node:=xmlResponse DocumentElement..childnodes. Nodes [' FuncFlag];
Node. NodeValue:=0;
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