Home > Back-end >  SmartUpload uploading files, rename to save the project file after the upload, under WebRoot folder
SmartUpload uploading files, rename to save the project file after the upload, under WebRoot folder


Use of software is eclipse

<%@ page contentType="text/html; Charset=utf-8 "language=" Java "is the import=" com. Jspsmart. Upload. * % & gt; ""
<% @ page import="com. Jspsmart. Upload. *" % & gt;
<% @ page import="Java. Util. *" % & gt;
String path=request. GetContextPath ();
% & gt;

String newFile1Name=null;
String file_name=null;

SmartUpload mySmartUpload=new SmartUpload ();

//initialize the upload
MySmartUpload. The initialize (pageContext);

//only allowed to upload these files
//mySmartUpload. SetAllowedFilesList (" JPG, JPG, JPG, GIF, GIF, GIF, PNG ");
MySmartUpload. Upload ();
The catch (Exception e)
//out println (" & lt; Script language=javascript> Alert (' upload format error! '); History. Back (1); </script>" );

. Com. Jspsmart. Upload the File myFile.=mySmartUpload getFiles () getFile (0);
If (myFile. IsMissing ())
Out.println (" & lt; Script language=javascript> Alert (' must choose pictures! '); History. Back (1); </script>" );

The else
Int file_size=myFile. GetSize ();//get the file size (b)
File_name=myFile. GetFileName ();
System. The out. Println (" file size: "+ +" file name: "+ file_name file_size);
//if (file_size & gt; 10 * 1024 * 1024)
//out println (" & lt; Script language=javascript> Alert (' upload pictures size should be controlled between 10 k ~ 1 m! '); History. Back (1); </script>" );
NewFile1Name=new Date (). GetTime () + file_name. Substring (file_name. IndexOf (". "));
System. The out. Println (" new file name: "+ newFile1Name);

String saveurl=request. GetSession (). GetServletContext () getRealPath (" upload ");
//String saveurl=request. GetContextPath () + "/upload";
//String saveurl="D: \ imgCache";
//System. Out. Println (saveurl);
The saveurl=saveurl + "/" + newFile1Name;
//System. Out. Println (saveurl);
MyFile. SaveAs (saveurl, mySmartUpload SAVE_PHYSICAL);

The catch (Exception e)
E. oString ();
% & gt;

<script language="javascript" & gt;

Var STR=location. The toString ()
Var Result=((((STR) split ('? ')) [1]). The split () '=') [1]);
//window. Opener. _click (Result). The focus ();
Window. The parent. The document. The getElementById (Result). Value="https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/upload/";

//the window. The opener=null;
Document. The write (" upload success ");
//the window. The close ();

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