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setw() and setfill() not working...what am i doing wrong?


what i am trying to do is print double datatype with precision 2,setw(15),fill spaces with _(underscore) and with prefix - or .for example if number is 2006.008 output should be _______ 2006.01

my code is :

    cout<<fixed<<setprecision(2)<<" "<<b<<endl;

output i am getting is : ______________ 2006.01

difference: my output is getting 14 underscores

but in result there should be only 7 underscores

what i tried?

without prefix my answer is accurate because if i am adding prefix setw(15) is counting my prefix as 15th character and adding 14 underscores before it

CodePudding user response:

Use std::showpos instead of ouputting string literals " " or "-".


Otherwise std::setw sets the field width for the string literals " " or "-".

CodePudding user response:

The io-manipulators apply to single insertions to the stream. When you insert " " into the stream, then the width of it is 1 and the remaining 14 are filled with _ because of setfill('_').

If you want io-manipulators to apply to concatenated strings you can concatenate the strings. I use a stringstream here, so you can apply setprecision and fixed:

    std::stringstream ss;
    ss << " " << fixed << setprecision(2) << b;
    cout << setw(15) << setfill('_') << s.str() << endl;
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