Int nlen=sizeof (sact);
Memcpy (sendbuf, (char *) & amp; Sact, sizeof (sendbuf));
Int nlenm=sizeof (sendbuf);
Int nlenn=sendto (socketMul, sendbuf, nlenm, 0, (SOCKADDR *) & amp; AddrMul, sizeof (addrMul));
Char recvbuf [1024].
If (nlenn> 0)
Printf (" success send the sock \ n ");
//closesocket (socketMul);
//Sleep (1000);
While (1)
Int len=sizeof (addrMul);
Int mlen=strlen (recvbuf);
Int nret=recvfrom (socketMul, recvbuf, strlen (recvbuf), 0, (SOCKADDR *) & amp; AddrMul, & amp; Len);
If (nlen> 0)
Printf (" success recv the sock \ n ");
Closesocket (socketMul);
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