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Why do I access the home page hint the column name is invalid.


"/" in the application server error,
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The Column name is invalid, [the Node name (if any)=Extent1, the Column name=STid]
Note: during the execution of the current Web request, abnormal untreated, please check the stack trace, to learn about the errors and mistakes in the code of the source of detailed information,

Exception details: System. Data. SqlServerCe. SqlCeException: the Column name is invalid, [the Node name (if any)=Extent1, the Column name=STid]

The error source:

Line 9: int LineCityId=ViewBag. LineCityId;
Line 10: IList LinesCategoryList=Entity. LinesCategory. Where (n=& gt; N.S tatus==1 & amp; & (Nancy (polocy) pelosi LCid==0 | | n.C id==LineCityId)) OrderBy (n=& gt; N.S ort). ToList ();
Line 11: IList AdInfoList=ShopEntity. AdInfo. Where (n=& gt; N.a. Sid==14 & amp; & N.V isible==1). OrderBy (n=& gt; N.S ort). ToList ();
Line 12: IList ZTAdInfoList=ShopEntity. AdInfo. Where (n=& gt; N.a. Sid==15 & amp; & N.V isible==1). OrderBy (n=& gt; N.S ort). ToList ();
Line 13: IList LYNewList=Entity. News. The Where (n=& gt; N.N Nid. The Contains (" 57 | | ")) OrderByDescending (n=& gt; N.N id.) Take (3). ToList ();

The source file: e: \ home \ localuser \ \ WWW \ lvyou \ 601010 Areas \ Base \ Views \ home \ Base line CSHTML: 11

The stack trace:

[SqlCeException x80004005 (0) : the Column name is invalid, [the Node name (if any)=Extent1, the Column name=STid]]
System. Data. SqlServerCe. SqlCeCommand. ProcessResults (Int32 hr) + 48
System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeCommand.Com pileQueryPlan (+ 644)
System. Data. SqlServerCe. SqlCeCommand. ExecuteCommand (CommandBehavior behaviors, String method, ResultSetOptions options) + 542
System. Data. SqlServerCe. SqlCeCommand. ExecuteReader (CommandBehavior behaviors) + 19
System. Data. SqlServerCe. SqlCeMultiCommand. ExecuteReader (CommandBehavior behaviors) + 270
System. Data. SqlServerCe. SqlCeMultiCommand. ExecuteDbDataReader (CommandBehavior behaviors) + 4
System.Data.Com mon. DbCommand command. ExecuteReader (CommandBehavior behaviors) + 10
System. Data. The EntityClient. EntityCommandDefinition. ExecuteStoreCommands (EntityCommand EntityCommand, CommandBehavior behaviors) + 437

[EntityCommandExecutionException: error when performing a command definition, for details please refer to the internal abnormal,]
System. Data. The EntityClient. EntityCommandDefinition. ExecuteStoreCommands (EntityCommand EntityCommand, CommandBehavior behaviors) + 507
System. Data. Objects. Internal. ObjectQueryExecutionPlan. Execute (ObjectContext context, ObjectParameterCollection parameterValues) + 730
System. Data. Objects. ObjectQuery ` 1. The assembled (Nullable ` forMergeOption) 1 + 131
System. Data. Objects. ObjectQuery ` 1 System. Collections. Generic. IEnumerable GetEnumerator () + 36
System. Collections. Generic. List ` 1.. Ctor (IEnumerable collection ` 1) + 369
System. Linq. Enumerable. ToList (IEnumerable ` 1 source) + 58
ASP. _Page_Areas_Base_Views_Home_Base_cshtml. The Execute () in e: \ home \ localuser \ \ WWW \ lvyou \ Areas \ 601010 Base \ Views \ home \ Base CSHTML: 11
System. Web. WebPages. WebPageBase. ExecutePageHierarchy () + 199
System. Web. Mvc. WebViewPage. ExecutePageHierarchy () + 89
System. Web. WebPages. WebPageBase. ExecutePageHierarchy (WebPageContext pageContext, TextWriter writer, WebPageRenderingBase startPage) + 78
System. Web. Mvc. RazorView. RenderView (ViewContext ViewContext, TextWriter writer, Object instance) + 241
System. Web. Mvc. BuildManagerCompiledView. Render (ViewContext ViewContext, TextWriter writer) + 107
System. Web. Mvc. ViewResultBase. ExecuteResult (ControllerContext context) + 291
System. Web. Mvc. ControllerActionInvoker. InvokeActionResult (ControllerContext ControllerContext, ActionResult ActionResult) + 13
System. Web. Mvc. & lt;> C__DisplayClass1c. & lt; InvokeActionResultWithFilters> B__19 () + 23
System. Web. Mvc. ControllerActionInvoker. InvokeActionResultFilter (IResultFilter filter, ResultExecutingContext preContext, Func ` continuation) 1 + 245
System. Web. Mvc. & lt;> C__DisplayClass1e. & lt; InvokeActionResultWithFilters> B__1b () + 22
System. Web. Mvc. ControllerActionInvoker. InvokeActionResultFilter (IResultFilter filter, ResultExecutingContext preContext, Func ` continuation) 1 + 245
System. Web. Mvc. & lt;> C__DisplayClass1e. & lt; InvokeActionResultWithFilters> B__1b () + 22
System. Web. Mvc. ControllerActionInvoker. InvokeActionResultFilter (IResultFilter filter, ResultExecutingContext preContext, Func ` continuation) 1 + 245
System. Web. Mvc. & lt;> C__DisplayClass1e. & lt; InvokeActionResultWithFilters> B__1b () + 22
System. Web. Mvc. ControllerActionInvoker. InvokeActionResultWithFilters (ControllerContext ControllerContext, IList ` 1 filters, ActionResult ActionResult) + 176
System. Web. Mvc. ControllerActionInvoker. InvokeAction (ControllerContext ControllerContext, String actionName) + 311
System. Web. Mvc. Controller. ExecuteCore () + 105
System. Web. Mvc. ControllerBase. Execute (RequestContext RequestContext) + 88
System. Web. Mvc. ControllerBase. System. Web. Mvc. IController. Execute (RequestContext RequestContext) + 10
System. Web. Mvc. & lt;> C__DisplayClassb. & lt; BeginProcessRequest> B__5 () + 34
System. Web. Mvc. Async. & lt; nullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnull
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