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How to achieve "automatic remind" function?


I want to realize this function: check that the daily in the well hidden dangers and issued "hidden dangers rectification notice", when "rectification period expires, the automatic alert users to potential for" mature "to" review ",

About "automatic remind" function, is I haven't a clue, the Internet has greatly said also need to "multi-threaded" technology, experienced, ladies and gentlemen, please tell me greatly to realize the function of train of thought, not all code, only to realize ideas, the more detailed, the better, it is best to tell use what component implementation, etc., I do not know anything about "multi-threaded",

Best please everybody to be able to realize the functions such as bosses left QQ contact, hope to be able to get patient guidance!!!!!

CodePudding user response:

Agreed by the Timer, an hour to check again, to remind or timeout alarm,

CodePudding user response:

With the service, boot to run automatically, then pop up,

CodePudding user response:

Under Windows, there is an automatic execution of task plan management,
Write a simple program to make it "task management" management,
Love it can remind again any time,

CodePudding user response:

1, the establishment of the database
2, the data table fields:
The name of the type length
XianGai notification MEMO title 256
Those responsible for the TEXT 8
Contact mobile phone TEXT 11
The DATE from the issue DATE of the
Rectification DATE DATE
Has the rectification BOOLEAN
Have informed times INT
3, program planning,
(1) data table automatically remind of maturing or expired remind users with special color, at the time of data refresh, hint sound
(2) short message interface, due to the rectification notice those responsible for mobile phone text messages to remind

CodePudding user response:

There are so few questions:

CodePudding user response:

There are so few problems, I don't understand:

1, the Timer component should be placed in which form? In real work, after "entry concerns", you need to monitor the rectification period ", then the Timer component should be placed in "input hidden danger" form, or in the form of independence, by "entry risk" form to call,

2, if put the Timer component "entry risk" form, if there are multiple forms need to be the "remind" feature, how should solve? Writing the same code respectively?

3, "the rectification period" is the range of 1 ~ 3 days, and the Interval of the Timer component properties for 1000 (ms), that I want to set a few a few minutes to check every day, how to set up the Interval attribute, converts "days" to "seconds"?

CodePudding user response:

1, in the main window,
2, the Timer control execution time, to figure out whether the current time need some kind of, if it is, according to remind,

CodePudding user response:

TRefreshThread=class (TThread)
Procedure the Execute; Override.
Procedure DoRefreshParam;
The constructor Create;

The constructor TRefreshThread. Create;
The begin
Inherited the Create (True);

Procedure TRefreshThread. Execute;
The begin
While not Terminated do
The Synchronize (DoRefreshParam);
The finally
Sleep (1000); {wait for 1000 milliseconds}

Procedure TRefreshThread. DoRefreshParam;
The begin
{write check code}

Encapsulation TThread class implements a thread, you can inherit it directly, save a lot of things, give points,,, there is a problem can contact me: 2575976143

CodePudding user response:

The Timer in the main window, to prepare for the Timer event, an hour to variables, perform actions by the hour,

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