Home > Back-end >  Old projects recently launched 2 minutes of memory, and a great god. Three days and no progress
Old projects recently launched 2 minutes of memory, and a great god. Three days and no progress


Is a Java program, running for about 10 years, there has been no any problem. In recent memory suddenly, examined the allocated memory is 2 g, start the Java crazy memory, after about five minutes covered, downtime. Beg god for help, the log is as follows:

JAVA Memory the arguments: - Xms1024m - Xmx2048m - XX: XX: CompileThreshold=8000 - PermSize=128 m - XX: MaxPermSize=256 m
The WLS Start Mode=Development
The CLASSPATH=e: \ Oracle \ MIDDLE ~ 1 \ patch_wls1036 \ profiles \ default \ sys_manifest_classpath \ weblogic_patch jar; E: \ Oracle \ MIDDLE ~ 1 \ patch_ocp371 \ profiles \ default \ sys_manifest_classpath \ webl
Ogic_patch. Jar; F: \ Java \ JDK16 ~ 1.0 _4 \ lib \ tools. The jar. E: \ Oracle \ MIDDLE ~ 1 \ WLSERV ~ 1.3 \ server \ lib \ weblogic_sp jar; E: \ Oracle \ MIDDLE ~ 1 \ WLSERV ~ 1.3 \ server \ lib \ weblogic jar; E: \ Oracle \ MIDDLE ~ 1
\ modules \ features \ weblogic server modules_10. 3.6.0. Jar; E: \ Oracle \ MIDDLE ~ 1 \ WLSERV ~ 1.3 \ server \ lib \ webservices jar; E: \ Oracle \ MIDDLE ~ 1 \ modules \ ORGAPA ~ 1.1/lib/ant - all the jars. E: \ Oracle \ MI
DDLE _1 ~ 1 \ modules \ NETSFA ~ 1.0/lib/ant - contrib. Jar; E: \ Oracle \ MIDDLE ~ 1 \ WLSERV ~ 1.3/common/lib/sqljdbc4 jar; E: \ Oracle \ MIDDLE ~ 1 \ WLSERV ~ 1.3 \ common \ Derby \ lib \ derbyclient jar; E: \ Oracle \ MID
DLE ~ 1 \ WLSERV ~ 1.3 \ server \ lib \ XQRL jar; E: \ Tongtech \ TLQCli8126 \ Java \ lib \ tlclient jar; E: \ Tongtech \ TLQCli8126 \ Java \ lib \ TLQRemoteApi jar; E: \ Tongtech \ TLQCli8126 \ Java \ lib \ javaee jar; E: \ T
Ongtech \ TLQCli8126 \ Java \ lib \ TongJMS jar; .; E: \ Java \ more about jrockit over - jdk1.6.0 _45 R28.2.7-4.1.0 \ lib \ dt jar; E: \ Java \ more about jrockit over - jdk1.6.0 _45 R28.2.7-4.1.0 \ lib \ tools. The jar
PATH=e: \ Oracle \ MIDDLE ~ 1 \ patch_wls1036 \ profiles \ default \ native. E: \ Oracle \ MIDDLE ~ 1 \ patch_ocp371 \ profiles \ default \ native. E: \ Oracle \ MIDDLE ~ 1 \ WLSERV ~ 1.3 \ server \ native \ Windows \ x64; E: \ Oracl
E \ MIDDLE ~ 1 \ WLSERV ~ 1.3 \ server \ bin; E: \ Oracle \ MIDDLE ~ 1 \ modules \ ORGAPA - 1.1 \ bin; F: \ Java \ JDK16 ~ 1.0 _4 \ jre \ bin. F: \ Java \ JDK16 ~ 1.0 _4 \ bin; E: \ Tongtech \ TLQCli8126 \ bin. E: \ Tongtech \ TLQCli8126 \ s
Amples \ bin. E: \ Java \ more about jrockit over - jdk1.6.0 _45 R28.2.7-4.1.0 \ bin; E: \ Java \ more about jrockit over - jdk1.6.0 _45 R28.2.7-4.1.0 \ jre \ bin. C:\Windows\system32; C:\Windows; C:\Windows\System32\Wbem; C: \ Windows \ price
Em32 \ WindowsPowerShell \ v1.0 \; C: \ Program Files \ EmEditor (x86); E: \ Oracle \ MIDDLE ~ 1 \ WLSERV ~ 1.3 \ server \ native \ Windows \ x64 \ oci920_8
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* To start WebLogic Server, use a username and *
* the password assigned to an admin - level user. For *
* the administration server, use the WebLogic server *
* the console at http:\\hostname:port\console *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Starting weblogic with Java version:
Java version "1.6.0 _45
"Java (TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0 _45 - b06)
The Java HotSpot (TM) 64 - Bit Server VM (20.45 b01 build, mixed mode)
Starting the WLS with line:
F: \ Java \ JDK16 ~ 1.0 _4 \ bin \ Java - the client - Xms1024m - Xmx2048m - XX: CompileThreshold=8000 - XX: XX: PermSize=128 m - MaxPermSize=256 m - Djava libiray. Path=E: \ Tongtech \ TLQCli8126 \ bin - Dwebl
Ogic. Name=AdminServer - Djava. Security. The policy=E: \ Oracle \ MIDDLE ~ 1 \ WLSERV ~ 1.3 \ server \ lib \ weblogic policy - Xverify: none - da - Dplatform. Home=E: \ Oracle \ MIDDLE ~ 1 \ WLSERV - 1.3 - Dwls. Home
=E: \ Oracle \ MIDDLE ~ 1 \ WLSERV ~ 1.3 \ server - Dweblogic home=E: \ Oracle \ MIDDLE ~ 1 \ WLSERV ~ 1.3 \ server - Dweblogic management discover=true - Dwlw. IterativeDev=- Dwlw. TestConsole=- Dwlw. Log
ErrorsToConsole=- Dweblogic. Ext dirs=e: \ Oracle \ MIDDLE ~ 1 \ patch_wls1036 \ profiles \ default \ sysext_manifest_classpath; E: \ Oracle \ MIDDLE ~ 1 \ patch_ocp371 \ profiles \ default \ sysext_manifest_
Classpath. Weblogic Server
- Dweblogic. Security. AllowCryptoJDefaultJCEVerification=true>
Pecify - Dweblogic. Security. AllowCryptoJDefaultPRNG=true>

Ver. The log will be rotated. Reopen the log file if tailing has stopped. This can happen on some platforms like Windows. & gt;
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