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Checking if a set of strings exist in a column with a custom function


Fellow contributors,

I would like to check if a set of specific key words exists on a grouped pandas DataFrame. The words I would like to check are start, pending and either finished or almost_finished. I would like to define a custom function for this and apply it to pandas groupby as defining a function to apply on columns is a bit not clear for me comparing to rowwise operations where we address every row with (row[colname]). In this example if the sequence of the desired words exist I would like the last value in column number for each ID to be copied in a new column and it doesn't matter if other values before that are empty strings. Here is a reproducible example:

import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame({'ID' : [1100, 1100, 1100, 1200, 1200, 1200, 1300, 1300],
                  'number' : ['Yes', 'No', 'No', 'Yes', 'No', 'No', 'Yes', 'No'],
                  'status' : ['start', 'pending', 'finished', 'start', 'pending', 'partially_finished', 'start', 'pending']})

In this case the last group of ID == 1300 has no return value. Basically I am asking this question to learn the best approach for these kinda problem where you need to check some values in a column, since I am coming from R I need to familiarize myself with the way I would do the same thing in Python. I would also appreciate any better solution you may suggest. Thank you very much in advance.

CodePudding user response:

df.groupby.apply is probably what you're looking for. You can apply a function to each group and return either a single value, series, or dataframe. The result will be aggregated together.

e.g. the following function

def return_last_num(df):
    if df.status.str.contains('start').any() & df.status.str.contains('pending').any() \
        & (df.status.str.contains('finished').any() | df.status.str.contains('partically_finished').any()):
        df['last_number'] = df.number.values[-1]
        df['last_number'] = str()
    return df

When applied: df.groupby('ID').apply(return_last_num).


     ID number              status last_number
0  1100    Yes               start          No
1  1100     No             pending          No
2  1100     No            finished          No
3  1200    Yes               start          No
4  1200     No             pending          No
5  1200     No  partially_finished          No
6  1300    Yes               start            
7  1300     No             pending            

Alternatively: returning a single value

def return_last_num(df):
    if df.status.str.contains('start').any() & df.status.str.contains('pending').any() \
        & (df.status.str.contains('finished').any() | df.status.str.contains('partically_finished').any()):
        return df.number.values[-1]
        return str()

When applied: df.groupby('ID').apply(return_last_num).

Returns just the last 'number' value per ID if the sequence condition was matched:

1100    No
1200    No

CodePudding user response:

I was thinking on a vectorized approach.

First, if finished and almost finished have the same effect, I would "merge" them, and would make them a unique number easy to check:

>>> df['status2'] = df['status'].map({'finished':1,'partially_finished':1,'pending':10,'start':100})
>>> df
     ID number              status  status2
0  1100    Yes               start      100
1  1100     No             pending       10
2  1100     No            finished        1
3  1200    Yes               start      100
4  1200     No             pending       10
5  1200     No  partially_finished        1
6  1300    Yes               start      100
7  1300     No             pending       10

That allows me to "extract" the desired status (100 10 1):

idstatus=df.groupby('ID', sort=False).sum('status2')==111
1100     True
1200     True
1300    False

And the actual number values:

     number              status  status2
1100     No            finished        1
1200     No  partially_finished        1

And finally merge:

idstatus.merge(valuenumber, left_index=True, right_index=True, how='left')
>>> idstatus.merge(valuenumber, left_index=True, right_index=True, how='left')
      status2_x number              status  status2_y
1100       True     No            finished        1.0
1200       True     No  partially_finished        1.0
1300      False    NaN                 NaN        NaN

it is possible to merge less entries:

>>> idstatus.merge(valuenumber[['number','status']], left_index=True, right_index=True, how='left')
      status2 number              status
1100     True     No            finished
1200     True     No  partially_finished
1300    False    NaN                 NaN

If you only want to have the outputs of the finished ones, I would merge the other way around

CodePudding user response:

You can aggregate with set and use intersection to check.

But first, I would map partially_finished or almost_finished to finished, if these should be treated equally.

df['status'] = df.status.replace('partially_finished|almost_finished', 'finished', regex=True)

Next, aggregate number to last value and status to set, then I use intersect to check if all values are existing in status.

checkcriteria = {'start', 'pending', 'finished'}
df = df.groupby('ID').agg({'number': 'last', 'status': set})
df['check'] = df.status.transform(lambda x: len(x.intersection(checkcriteria)) == 3)

This should give a result,

     number                      status  check
1100     No  {start, pending, finished}   True
1200     No  {start, pending, finished}   True
1300     No            {start, pending}  False

You can either filter by check or mask and remove the value for number.

# This will only return ID == 1100, 1200

# OR mask to remove the number value for when check == False
df.loc[~df.check, 'number'] = None
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