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Custom Common Input Component - Validation Errors not working as expected


I am trying to write up a common input component for Material Angular, so I don't have to duplicate 20 lines of HTML code for every single field. But I am having issues getting the mat-error to show the validation message.

So this is the code I had in MyFormComponent:

<div >

  <mat-form-field appearance="fill" hintLabel="Max 10 characters">
    <mat-label> Name Old (works) </mat-label>
    <input matInput type="text" formControlName="nameOld" />

    <mat-hint align="end">the/10</mat-hint>

    <mat-error *ngIf=" (formModal.get('nameOld').dirty || formModal.get('nameOld').touched) &&
        formModal.get('nameOld').errors && formModal.get('nameOld').errors['required'] ">
      Name Old is required.

Now I've moved this to a custom component CommonInputComponent as the following:


<div >
  <mat-form-field appearance="fill" hintLabel="Max 10 characters">
    <mat-label>{{ fieldInfo.label }}</mat-label>

    <mat-hint align="end">{{ ngControl.value?.length || 0 }}/10</mat-hint>

        (ngControl.dirty || ngControl.touched) &&
        ngControl.errors &&
      >Name is required.</mat-error

  <pre>{{ ngControl.errors | json }}</pre>
  <pre>{{ { dirty: ngControl.dirty, touched: ngControl.touched } | json }}</pre>

and then I try to use it in my Form MyFormComponent as:

  [fieldInfo]="{ label: 'name', name: 'name', type: 'text' }"

All the bindings seem to work fine, the properties are updated across both the parent and child components, but the only issue I am facing is that mat-error doesn't seem to work as it did in the previous example.

What I am expecting in both fields below is that it should show the "Name is required." error message for both fields when the input is blank. But I only see it for the 2nd field (which is not using my common component).

enter image description here

I have created a working example in StackBlitz (https://stackblitz.com/edit/add-angular-material-yph1vt?file=src/app/app.component.ts)

CodePudding user response:

The mat-input inside your app-common-input is not bound to any FormControl. You're working around it by binding value, onChange and onTouched events to the <input>, but none of that actually passes the information about validations and state of the FormControl itself.

And the way that mat-error works inside of a mat-form-field, it needs to know that the bound FormControl has some errors to display.

Since what you seem to be looking for is kind of a "pass-through" ControlValueAccessor, you can just replace this part:


with this:


This means that everything that happens to your components will be passed down to the internal matInput and vice-versa.

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