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Remove duplicate row, keep first and fill NaN with value from second one


I have some duplicate rows in my dataframe, the occurrences have Nan value in specific column 'Rank'. I want to remove duplicate, keep the fisrt occurrence with full data and replace Nan value with value from second occurrence when necessary.

Name Rank City
Andre Ryan NaN London
Andre Ryan 86 Paris
Paul Nilson 74 LA
Paul Nilson NaN Chicago
... ...- ...

The goal

Name Rank City
Andre Ryan 86 London
Paul Nilson 74 LA
... ... ...

CodePudding user response:

Here's one way to dedup by using groupby and agg on this example dataset:

enter image description here

import pandas as pd

#create the test table
df = pd.DataFrame({

#groupby and agg to dedup
dedup_df = df.groupby('Name').agg(
    Rank = ('Rank',lambda ranks: ranks.dropna().iloc[0]),
    City = ('City','first'),



enter image description here

CodePudding user response:

You can try groupby and fill value then drop_duplicates

out = (df.assign(**df.groupby('Name')['Rank'].transform(lambda col: col.bfill().ffill()).to_frame())
       .drop_duplicates('Name', keep='first'))

         Name  Rank    City
0  Andre Ryan  86.0  London

CodePudding user response:

Using first() in groupby returns the first non NaN value. Try this:

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