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MFC realize traversal folder


MFC in how to implement the click on the button to select the folder, and get all the pictures in the folder path, and stored in TXT

CodePudding user response:

Void CTextDlg: : SelectDir ()//manually select the folder
//TODO: add the control notification handler code
BROWSEINFO bi;//BROWSEINFO structure members have a lot of parameters can be set
ZeroMemory (& amp; Bi, sizeof (BROWSEINFO));//will be & amp; Bi for the start address and size of sizeof (BROWSEINFO) area of memory with 0

Bi. UlFlags=BIF_NEWDIALOGSTYLE;//set the pop-up dialog box attributes.
Bi. LpszTitle="designated to deal with the folder";//within the window shows that prompt the user statement
LPITEMIDLIST pidl=SHBrowseForFolder (& amp; Bi);//Displays a dialog box enabling the user to select a Shell folder.
TCHAR * path=new TCHAR [MAX_PATH];
If (pidl!=NULL)
SHGetPathFromIDList (pidl, path);//Converts an item identifier list to a file system path
GetDlgItem (IDC_EDIT1) - & gt; SetWindowText (path);
The ReadDir (path);
Delete the path;
Void CTextDlg: : ReadDir (cstrings strDir)//JPG images of selected folder path
(1) if (strDir. Right!=_T (" \ \ "))
StrDir +=L "\ ";
StrDir=strDir + _T (" *. * ");

CFileFind finder.
Cstrings strPath;
BOOL bWorking=finder. FindFile (strDir);
While (bWorking)
BWorking=finder. The FindNextFile ();
StrPath=finder. GetFilePath ();
If (finder. IsDirectory () & amp; & ! Finder. IsDots ())
The ReadDir (strPath);//recursive call
Else if (! Finder. IsDirectory () & amp; & ! Finder. IsDots ())
//strPaht is to obtain the file path

Cstrings strTmp=strPath. Right (4);
StrTmp. MakeLower ();
If (strTmp=="log")
Listname. Add (strPath);//listname for global variables defined in the header file
Finder. The Close ();
WriteDir ();
Void CTextDlg: : WriteDir ()//will get a path to E://myfile. TXT in
Int nCount;
NCount=listname. GetSize ();

Char * pszFileName="E://myfile. TXT";
CStdioFile myFile.
CFileException fileException;
If (myFile. Open (pszFileName, CFile: : typeText | CFile: : modeCreate | CFile: : modeReadWrite), & amp; FileException)
//E://myfile. TXT does not exist, create
for (int i=0; i {
Cstrings strOrder;
StrOrder=listname. GetAt (I);
Cstrings strLine;
StrLine. The Format (" % s \ r \ n ", strOrder);
MyFile. WriteString (strLine);
The else
TRACE (" Can 't open the file % s, error=% u/n ", pszFileName, fileException. M_cause);

CodePudding user response:

Inside. The log instead. JPG
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