Home > Back-end >  For help, for word frequency statistics character, and then prioritize requirements with VETOR, word
For help, for word frequency statistics character, and then prioritize requirements with VETOR, word


 # if! Defined (AFX_WORDPROCESS_H__DC6CE2F6_54C5_47DE_A1FF_F5C87B8C309F__INCLUDED_) 

# if _MSC_VER & gt; 1000
# pragma once
# endif//_MSC_VER & gt; 1000
# include & lt; string>
# include & lt; Vector>
# include & lt; Algorithm>
using namespace std;
Typedef struct WORD_FREQ
String strword;
Int freq.
} WF.

The class CWordProcess

Void the OutPut ();
Void PushVector (string word);
Void the Split (char * PSTR, char * pword);
Void the ProcessFile ();
CWordProcess (string filesrc, string filedest);
Virtual ~ CWordProcess ();

Vector M_vector;
String FileDestPath;
String FileSrcPath;
The FILE * fr;
The FILE * fw;

# endif//! Defined (AFX_WORDPROCESS_H__DC6CE2F6_54C5_47DE_A1FF_F5C87B8C309F__INCLUDED_)

# include "stdafx. H"
# include & lt; stdio.h>
# include "WordProcess. H"


CWordProcess: : CWordProcess (string filesrc, string filedest)

CWordProcess: : ~ CWordProcess ()
The fclose (fw);
The fclose (fr);

Void CWordProcess: : ProcessFile ()
Fr=fopen (FileSrcPath c_str (), "r");
Fw=fopen (FileDestPath c_str (), "w");
Char szBuf [200]={} '\ 0';
Char szWord [200]={} '\ 0';
while(! The feof (fr))
Fscanf (fr, "% s", szBuf);
The Split (szBuf, szWord);
Printf (" % s ", szWord);
PushVector (szWord);
The OutPut ();


Void CWordProcess: : Split (char * PSTR, char * pword)
Char * p=PSTR;
Char * p=STRCHR (p, '/');
If (p1!=NULL)
* p1='\ 0';
Strcpy (pword, p);


Void CWordProcess: : PushVector (string word)
Vector : : iterator iter.
For (iter=m_vector. The begin (); iter!=m_vector. End (); Iter++)
Wf=(wf) * iter;
If (wf) strword==word)
Wf. Freq++;
* iter=wf;
Wf. Strword=word;
Wf. Freq=1;
M_vector. Push_back (wf);


Void CWordProcess: : the OutPut ()
Vector : : iterator iter.
For (iter=m_vector. The begin (); iter!=m_vector. End (); Iter++)
Wf=* iter.

Fprintf (fw, "% s", wf. Strword. C_str ());
Fprintf (fw, "% d", wf, freq);
Fprintf (fw, "\ n");


# include "stdafx. H"
# include "WordProcess. H"
Int main (int arg c, char * argv [])
String strfilesrc="d: \ \ 199801. TXT";
String strfiledest="d: \ \ result. TXT";
CWordProcess f (strfilesrc strfiledest);
F.P rocessFile ();
Printf (" Hello World! \n");
return 0;

This is by reading the file

CodePudding user response:

for help

CodePudding user response:

Remember the vector sorting professional
# include & lt; Algorithm>

Sort (v_ResList. The begin (); V_ResList. End ());

CodePudding user response:

reference edge in 2 floor response:
remember vector sorting professional
# include & lt; Algorithm>

Sort (v_ResList. The begin (); V_ResList. End ());

Thank you for the
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