Function:/* function calculation m * n order matrix A and n * m order the products of the matrix B, results in A two-dimensional array c */
Void MultiplyMatrix (int a [ROW] [COL], int b [COL] [ROW], int ROW (ROW), c int m, int n);
/* function function: output the elements in the matrix a * m * m order/
Void PrintMatrix (int a [ROW] [ROW], int m);
* * enter the m and n Input message: "Input m, n:"
* * enter m and n input statement:
Cin & gt;> m;
Cin. Ignore (1);
Cin & gt;> n;
* * input matrix elements of the input message (matrix a, for example) :
Cout & lt; <"Input" & lt;
Matrix element according to the line of the input, separated by a space,
* * output message: "the Results: \ n
* * output format:
Setw (6)
Application example:
Input m, n: 7, a
Input m, n: 7, 8
Input m, n: 2, 3
2 * 3 Input matrix a:
1 2 3
4 5 6
The Input matrix of 3 * 2 b:
3, 4,
5 6
22 to 28
49 64
(1) cannot use Pointers, structures, sharing, file, goto, programming enumerated types,
(2) using the standard C language programming, all variables must be defined before the first executable statement,
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Seek help from bosses