2, modify the class StudentList __update and update two functions, when the user to enter student id checks the existence of the students and when the living in according to the student's information first, and then continue to input the student's information;
3, increase the command to save, save student information to document information and loaded from a file students command load, save the student information file named StudentInfo. TXT.
The original code is as follows:
Lass, Student:
Def __init__ (self, No, Name, Gender, Age) :
Self. No=No
The self. The Name=Name
Self. Gender=Gender
The self. The Age=Age
Def show (self) :
Print (" % - 16 s % - 16 s % % - 8 - s - 4 d "% (self. No, the self. The Name, the self. The Gender, the self. The Age))
The class StudentList:
Def __init__ (self) :
The self. The students=[]
Def show (self) :
Print (" % - - 16 s 16 s % % % - 8 - s - 4 s "% (" No", "Name", "Gender", "Age"))
For s in the self. Students:
S.s how ()
Def __insert (self, s) :
While (i
I=I + 1
If (i
Return False
Self. Students. Insert (I, s)
Print (" success ")
Return True
Def __update (self, s) :
For I in range (len (self. Students)) :
If (s.N o==self. Students [I] No) :
Self. Students [I]. Name=s.N ame
Self. Students [I]. Gender=s.G ender
Self. Students [I]. Age=s.A ge
Print (" success ")
If (not flag) :
Print (" don't have the students ")
Return flag
Def __delete (self, No) :
For I in range (len (self. Students)) :
If (self. Students [I]. No==No) :
Del self. Students [I]
Print (" delete "success)
If (not flag) :
Print (" don't have the students ")
Return flag
Def the delete (self) :
No=input (" No=")
If (No!="") :
Self. __delete (No)
Def insert (self) :
No=input (" No=")
Name=input (" Name=")
While True:
Gender=input (" Gender=")
If (Gender="male" or Gender==="female") :
The else:
Print (" Gender is not vaild ")
Age=input (" Age=")
If (Age=="") :
The else:
Age=int (Age)
If No!="" and the Name!="" :
Self. __insert (Student (No, Name, Gender, Age))
The else:
Print (" student id, name cannot be empty ")
Def update (self) :
No=input (" No=")
Name=input (" Name=")
While True:
Gender=input (" Gender=")
If (Gender="male" or Gender==="female") :
The else:
Print (" Gender is not valid ")
Age=input (" Age=")
If (Age=="") :
The else:
Age=int (Age)
If No!="" and the Name!="" :
Self. __update (Student (No, Name, Gender, Age))
The else:
Print (" student id, name cannot be empty ")
Def process (self) :
While True:
S=input (" & gt;" )
If (s=="show") :
The self. The show ()
Elif (s=="insert") :
The self. The insert ()
Elif (s=="update") :
The self. The update ()
Elif (s=="delete") :
The self. The delete ()
Elif (s=="exit") :
The else:
Print (" show: show students ")
Print (" insert: insert a new student ")
Print (" update: insert a new student ")
Print (" delete: delete a student ")
Print (" exit: exit ")
St=StudentList ()
St. process ()