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How to fix pandas column data


Workflow is :

  • Read CSV file using Python's pandas library and get Variation Column
  • Variation Column data is
Color Family : Black,  Size:Int:L
Color Family : Blue, Size:Int:M
Color Family : Red, Size:Int:Xl

  • But I want to print this data in different column with sorted data and save its as a xlsx
Color        Size
-------      ------
Black           L
Blue            M
Red             XL

My code is :

#spliting variation data

#taking variation column data in a var
get_variation = df_new['Variation'] 

#Splitting Column data
for part in get_variation:
        format_part = str(part)
        data = re.split(r'[:,]' , format_part)
        df_new['Color'] = data[1]
        df_new['Size'] = data[4]

But my output is coming as

Color     Size
------   ------
Black      L
Black      L
Black      L

CodePudding user response:

Try this

import re
df = pd.DataFrame({'Variation': ['Color Family : Black, Size:Int:L', 
                                 'Color Family : Blue, Size:Int:M', 
                                 'Color Family : Red, Size:Int:Xl']})
def func(x):
    res = {}
    # split on comma
    for e in x.split(', '):
        # and for each split piece, split into words
        k, _, v = re.split('\W ', e)
        res[k] = v
    # build a dict and return
    return res
# mapping the above function produces a list of dicts, so construct a df
df = pd.DataFrame(map(func, df['Variation']))
   Color Size
0  Black    L
1   Blue    M
2    Red   Xl

For Python 3.8 and above, the above function can be written as a one-liner using the walrus operator without losing much readability (imo):

df = pd.DataFrame({(kv:=re.split('\W ', e))[0]:kv[-1] for e in x.split(', ')} for x in df['Variation'])

CodePudding user response:

Without mapping or iteration you can done using str .replace() function using pandas. Try this,

#replacing "Color Family : " to "" 
df['Variation'] = df['Variation'].str.replace("Color Family : ","") 

#replacing " Size:Int:" to "" 
df['Variation'] = df['Variation'].str.replace(" Size:Int:","")

#splitting by , to seperate (Color and Size) then Expanding Columns
df[['Color', 'Size']] = df['Variation'].str.split(',', expand = True)

The output will be,

enter image description here

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