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Oracle concatenate in one column, display in multiple line


I need to concatenate a few column into one and I'm using || to do that. The result successfully display all the data in one column. However, I need it to display in multiple line in that one column. Is that possible?

Here is my current code:

SELECT addr1 || CASE WHEN addr2 IS NOT NULL THEN ', '|| addr2 END               
             || CASE WHEN addr3 IS NOT NULL THEN ', '|| addr3 END               
             || CASE WHEN addr4 IS NOT NULL THEN ', '|| addr4 END               
             || CASE WHEN addr5 IS NOT NULL THEN ', '|| addr5 END AS Address
  FROM addressdata

And this is what I want it to display as:

enter image description here

I'm still new to this Oracle and database thing. Really appreciate your help.

Thank you in advance. :D

CodePudding user response:

Instead of a comma (as a separator), use newline (chr(10)) or - maybe even better - CRLF (carriage return line feed) (chr(13) || chr(10)) character:

SELECT addr1 || CASE WHEN addr2 IS NOT NULL THEN CHR(13)||CHR(10) || addr2 END               
             || CASE WHEN addr3 IS NOT NULL THEN CHR(13)||CHR(10) || addr3 END               
             || CASE WHEN addr4 IS NOT NULL THEN CHR(13)||CHR(10) || addr4 END               
             || CASE WHEN addr5 IS NOT NULL THEN CHR(13)||CHR(10) || addr5 END AS Address
FROM addressdata

CodePudding user response:

An option would be using a dynamic SQL Select statement in order to profit LISTAGG() function containing Carriage return character along with the columns of the similar names(all those starts with addr) such as

  v_str    VARCHAR2(1500);
  v_table  VARCHAR2(100):='ADDRESSDATA';
  SELECT LISTAGG(c.column_name,'||'',''||CHR(13)||') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY c.column_id)
    INTO v_str
    FROM user_tab_cols c
   WHERE c.table_name = v_table   
     AND c.column_name LIKE 'ADDR%';

                     ' FROM '||v_table INTO v_str; 

Assuming your columns are sorted within the table as presented like addr1, addr2, addr3 ..etc(to consider the current ORDER BY clause)


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