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Spring Boot project configuration file through the jasypt - spring - the Boot - starter encryption c


Use jasypt to encryption keys in the configuration file is SpringBoot springboot2.1.0

1. To use jasypt - spring - the boot - starter - version 2.1.0 corresponding dependent packages have

2. Pom. XML configuration

Because local reference jar, at that time put the corresponding jar download good after local warehouse don't know what reason without reference to direct this project reference address

3. Will need to be encrypted password encryption method of a

4. To use jasypt - 1.9.2. Jar command line encryption to decrypt

The OUTPUT is below the encrypted key;

The OUTPUT here is decrypted key;

Need to pay special attention to the jar versions, because at that time the jar version of the problem led to the command line interface using code calls the encrypted key decryption failure, so special attention should be paid to the jar version problem,
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