Home > Back-end >  Netty frequently triggered when data volume many channelInactivice is why, online waiting for
Netty frequently triggered when data volume many channelInactivice is why, online waiting for


If without sending data connection request just can see the number of connections in more than 3 w
Run Windows environment, my code is as follows:
Private void the start () {
LogHelper. Info (" Start server... ");
System. Out.println (" Start server... ");
EventLoopGroup bossGroup=new NioEventLoopGroup ();
EventLoopGroup workerGroup=new NioEventLoopGroup ();
ServerBootstrap bootstrap=new ServerBootstrap ();
Try {
The bootstrap. Group (bossGroup workerGroup);
The bootstrap. Channel (NioServerSocketChannel. Class);
//final String port=ResourceUtil. GetKey (" local_tcp_port ");
//final String webPort=ResourceUtil. GetKey (" local_web_port ");
The bootstrap. ChildHandler (new ChannelInitializer () {
@ Override
Protected void initChannel Channel (Channel) {
Try {
//ByteBuf delimiter=Unpooled. CopiedBuffer (". "getBytes ());
//ByteBuf bb=Unpooled. Buffer (0, 2048);
Channel. The config (.) setRecvByteBufAllocator (new AdaptiveRecvByteBufAllocator (4, 2048, Integer. MAX_VALUE));

ChannelPipeline pipeline=channel. The pipeline ();
//IdleStateHandler heartbeat, if the timeout triggers userEventTrigger in the Handle () method
Pipeline. AddLast (new IdleStateHandler (15, 0, 0, TimeUnit. MINUTES));//heart 5 minutes
//pipeline. AddLast (new CustomDecoder (2048,0,0,0,0, false));
Pipeline. AddLast (new MyDecoder (2048));
////filter encoding
//pipeline. AddLast (" decoder, "new ByteArrayDecoder ());
////filter encoding
//pipeline. AddLast (" encoder ", new ByteArrayEncoder ());

InetSocketAddress inet=(InetSocketAddress) channel. LocalAddress ();
If (inet. GetPort ()==Integer. The parseInt (SMSTool. Local_tcp_port))
Pipeline. AddLast (new ServerHandler ());
//else if (inet. GetPort ()==Integer. The parseInt (SMSTool. Local_web_port))
//pipeline. AddLast (new WebServerHandler (initCallQueue));
} the catch (Exception e) {
//TODO: handle the exception
//LogHelper getIntance (DSD) equals (e. oString ());
LogHelper. Error (e. oString ());

}). Option (ChannelOption SO_BACKLOG, 1024)
//option (ChannelOption RCVBUF_ALLOCATOR, new FixedRecvByteBufAllocator (65535))
ChildOption (ChannelOption SO_KEEPALIVE, true);

//bind port, and returns the ChannelFuture
ChannelFuture future=the bootstrap. Bind (Integer. The parseInt (SMSTool. Local_tcp_port)). The sync ();
ChannelFuture future2=the bootstrap. Bind (Integer. The parseInt (SMSTool. Local_web_port)). The sync ();
System. Out.println (" server started!" );
LogHelper. Info (" server started!" );
GetConnectionTotal ();

//wait for the client closed
//Channel Channel=
Future. Channel (.) closeFuture (). The sync ();
Future2. Channel (.) closeFuture (). The sync ();
ResourceLeakDetector. SetLevel (ResourceLeakDetector. Level. The PARANOID);//memory leak detection development recommended the PARANOID online SIMPLE
//remember that closeFuture (), is used to waiting for the server shut down
//channel. CloseFuture (). The sync ();
} the catch (Exception e) {
} the finally {
BossGroup. ShutdownGracefully (.) syncUninterruptibly ();
WorkerGroup. ShutdownGracefully (.) syncUninterruptibly ();

The compiler code:
@ Override
Protected void decode (ChannelHandlerContext CTX, ByteBuf buffer, List Out) {
Try {
Int readable=buffer. ReadableBytes ();
If (readable & gt; Too much MAX_FRAME_SIZE) {//the buffer data
Buffer. SkipBytes (readable);//ignore all bytes can be read
//throw an exception to inform the super-long frame data
Throw new TooLongFrameException (" super-long frame data ");
//create a byte array, buffer readableBytes readable bytes
Byte [] b=new byte (readable);
//copy the content to a byte array b
Buffer. ReadBytes (b);
Out. The add (buffer);
} the catch (Exception e) {
//TODO: handle the exception
LogHelper. GetIntance (). The error (" decode=& gt;" + e. oString ());


Business processing categories:

@ Override
Public void channelRead (ChannelHandlerContext CTX, Object MSG) throws the Exception {
//TODO Auto - generated method stub
ByteBuf buf=(ByteBuf MSG);
Byte [] the req=new byte [buf readableBytes ()];
Buf. ReadBytes (the req);
Byte [] req2=new byte [the req. Length + 2];
System. Arraycopy (the req, 0, req2, 0, the req. Length);
Byte [] bb.=the Convert shortToByte (SMSTool. GT06_FOOTER);
Req2 [req2. Length - 2]=bb [0];
=bb req2 [req2 length - 1] [1].

Super. ChannelRead (CTX, req2);
@ Override
Public void channelInactive ChannelHandlerContext (CTX) {
Try {

CTX. Channel (). The close ();
//super. ChannelInactive (CTX);
//total. GetList (). Remove (CTX) channel () remoteAddress (). The toString ());
Total. GetConnection (). DecrementAndGet ();//record the number of connections
System. Out.println (" disconnect - & gt;" + CTX. Channel (.) remoteAddress (), toString ());//disconnected
} the catch (Exception e) {
//TODO: handle the exception
LogHelper. Error (e. oString ());

This is a major code server, please directly!!!!!!!!!!!!

CodePudding user response:

This issue has found the reason, and his stick
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