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Laravel9 N 1 issue showing job title a task belongs to


I'm trying to get the title of a job belonging to a task. When i try to get the title I get a N 1 popup from my laravel debugbar. This instructs me to use with but whichever way I have tried (using with('App/Models/Job') or just with('job') or setting protected $with = ['job'] etc) I still get the N 1 popup. So heres the applicable code App/Models/Job.php

public function tasks()
        return $this->hasMany( Task::class);


    public function job()
        return $this->belongsTo( Job::class);


public static function getTask($user, $date)
    return Task::where( 'user_id', $user->id )
                    ->where('date', $day)


public function index( Request $request )
        return View::make( 'pages.planner.index' )
            ->with( 'task', Planner::getTask( 1, '2022-26-05' ) );

and finally in resources/views/pages/planner/index.blade.php

   <div>{{ $task->job->title }}</div>

The task references the 'number' field in job via it's 'job_number' field and job doesn't contain any reference to task (as a job can have many tasks)

So how do I get the title of a tasks job without getting the N 1 error?


** EDIT ** Following suggestions by WebPajooh. I have modified the above code to remove the parenthesis in my blade file and removed all() from the relationship.

I still get a N 1 error:

Found the following N 1 queries in this request:

Model: App\Models\Task => Relation: App\Models\Job - You should add "with('App\Models\Job')" to eager-load this relation.

CodePudding user response:

When you write job(), it returns a relationship but when you write job without parentheses, it doesn't call the relationship.

Note: You don't need to call all() after get(), because get() returns a collection.

CodePudding user response:

Following on from suggestions by WebPajooh I found that adding protected $with = ['job'];to my Task model allowed my code to work without this issue.

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