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C stack with array implementation problems run


Compile no problem but it cannot run, technology small white for a great god!!!!!


The class stack {
Virtual ~ stack () {
Virtual bool empty () const=0;
Virtual int size (const)=0;
Virtual int& Top (const)=0;
Virtual void pop ()=0;
Virtual void push (const int& Theelement)=0;
The class arraystack: public stack {
Arraystack (int initialstack);
~ arraystack ();
Bool empty () const;
Int size () const;
Int& Top () const;
Void the pop ();
Void push (const int&);
Int stackTop;
Int * stack;
Int arraylength;
Void changeLength1D (int * a, int oldlength, int newlength)
Int * b=new int [newlength];
STD: : copy (a, a + oldlength, b);
The delete [] a;
Arraystack: : arraystack (int initialstack)
If (initialstack<1)
STD: : cerr<" An empty stack!" Stack=new int [initialstack];
Arraystack: : ~ arraystack ()
The delete [] stack;
Bool arraystack: : empty () const
Return (stackTop<0);
Const int arraystack: : size ()
Return (stackTop + 1);
Int& Arraystack: : top (const)
If (stackTop==1)
STD: : cerr<" An empty stack!" The else
The return stack [stackTop];
Void arraystack: : pop ()
If (stackTop==1)
STD: : cerr<" An empty stack!" The else
Delete the stack;
- stackTop;
- arraylength;
Void arraystack: : push (const int& Theelement)
If (stackTop==arraylength - 1)
ChangeLength1D (stack, arraylength, 2 * arraylength);
Arraylength=2 * arraylength;
Stack [+ + stackTop]=theelement;
The else
Stack [+ + stackTop]=theelement;

Int main ()
Arraystack a1 (10);
for(int i=0; i<19. + + I)
A1. Push (I);
A1. Push (9);
A1. Pop ();
STD: : coutreturn 0;
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