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Sorting linked list with multiple parameters


I'm having a trouble with my school project. I was asked to use a linked list, I'm almost finish but then I got stuck in how do I sort my data by looking at the date

I want to display these data by sorting the date

I have searched everywhere and I still can't find how to sort a linked list multiple parameters say these are the parameters:

struct Data { 
    int kode;           
    char variety[20];   
    int weight;             
    int date;       
    struct Data *next;  
} *headIn, *tempIn;

with a main function like this:

int menu;                               
int pointIn = 0;    
int amount = 0;             
void insert(int kode, char *variety, int weight, int date);
void userInput();
void printList(struct Data *tempIn);  

int main() { 
    headIn = NULL;
    int menu = 0; 

    do {   
        system ("cls");
        printf( " \n\nMAIN MENU :\n");
        printf( " 1. Input Product\n\n");
        printf( " 2. Print List\n\n");
        printf( " enter your choice (1 - 2) : "); 
        scanf("%d", &menu); 

        if (menu < 1 || menu > 2) {
            printf ("your input is not available\n");
        switch (menu) { 
        case 1:
        case 2:
    while (menu != 3);
    printf ("============ Thankyou ============");

    return 0;

and then I apply this function so that the data is going to be a linked list:

void insert(int kode, char *variety, int weight, int date) {
    struct Data *dataIn = (struct Data *)malloc(sizeof(struct Data));
    dataIn->kode = kode;
    strcpy(dataIn->variety, variety);
    dataIn->weight = weight;
    dataIn->date = date;
    dataIn->next = NULL;
    if (headIn == NULL) {
        headIn = dataIn;
    } else {
        dataIn->next = headIn;
        headIn = dataIn;

and then I have this 2 function for asking user's input and the other is for printing

void userInput() { 
    int code; 
    int weight;
    int date;
    amount = 0;
    char variety[5][20] = { "Fish", "Crab", "Squid", "Clam", "Lobster" };

    system ("cls");
    printf("Number of data you want to enter : "); scanf("%d", &amount);
    printf( "_________________________________________________________________\n");
    printf("\n Kode 0 = Fish \n kode 1 = Crab \n kode 2 = Squid \n kode 3 = Clam \n kode 4 = Lobster\n\t\t\t   ");
    for (int i = 0; i < amount; i  ) {  
        printf("\n\nProduct-%d", pointIn   1);
        printf("\n\tInput code\t : "); scanf(" %d", &code); 
        if (code < 0 || code > 4) { 
            printf ("this code product is not available\n");
        } else {                
            printf("\tJenis\t\t : %s\n", variety[code]);
            printf("\tINPUT weight\t : "); scanf(" %d", &weight ); 
            printf("\tInput date (YYYYMMDD)\t : ");scanf(" %d", &date); 
            pointIn  ;
            insert(code, variety[code], weight, date);

void printList(struct Data *tempIn) {
    system ("cls");
    tempIn = headIn;
    //sort function here
    printf("*****  DATA PRODUCT ***** \n" );
    printf("|  DATE  |  CODE  |      NAME      |  WEIGHT | \n");
    while (tempIn != NULL) {
        printf("    %d        %d     %s          %d        \n", tempIn->date, tempIn->kode, tempIn->variety, tempIn->weight);
        tempIn = tempIn->next;

please help me I don't understand and I can't find any references, it's just this sorting part I'm stuck in.

CodePudding user response:

In the Insert function, you must find the proper place to insert the node by iterating in the list past the nodes with a lesser date:

void insert(int kode, const char *variety, int weight, int date) {
    struct Data *dataIn = (struct Data *)malloc(sizeof(struct Data));
    if (dataIn == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr, "cannot allocate memory for Data struct\n");
    dataIn->kode = kode;
    strcpy(dataIn->variety, variety);
    dataIn->weight = weight;
    dataIn->date = date;
    if (headIn == NULL || headIn->date > date) {
        // insert node at the head
        dataIn->next = headIn;
        headIn = dataIn;
    } else {
        // insert node in the list
        struct Data *np = head;
        while (np->next && np->next->date >= date) {
            np = np->next;
        dataIn->next = np->next;
        np->next = dataIn;

CodePudding user response:

I have solved my problem for sorting this program

first i add a new struct

struct node{
    int kode;           
    char variety[20];   
    int weight;             
    int date;       
    struct node* left;
    struct node* right;

struct node* newNode(int data){
  struct node* node = (struct node*) malloc(sizeof(struct node));
  node->date  = data;
  node->left  = NULL;
  node->right = NULL;

and then i initiate an array

struct Data order[100];
int k=0;

and then make the sorting functions

struct node* insertSort(struct node* node, int data)
  if (node == NULL)
    if (data <= node->date)
        node->left  = insertSort(node->left, data);
        node->right = insertSort(node->right, data);
    return node;

void sort(struct node* node) {
  struct node* current = node;
  if (node != NULL) {
    sort (current->left);
    order[k  ].date =node->date ; 
    sort (current->right);

and then i update my printing process so that it can print the sorted products

void printList(struct Data *tempIn) {
    system ("cls");
    tempIn = headIn;
    int angka =0;
    struct node* root = NULL;
            root = insertSort(root, tempIn->date);
        else {
            insertSort(root, tempIn->date);
        tempIn = tempIn->next;

    tempIn = headIn;
    printf("*****  DATA PRODUCT ***** \n" );
    printf("|  DATE  |  CODE  |      NAME      |  WEIGHT | \n");
    for (int i=0;i<100;i  ){
        order[i].kode =0;

    tempIn = headIn;
    for(int i=0;i<100;i  ){
    tempIn = headIn;    
    while (tempIn != NULL) {
        printf("    %d        %d     %-10s          %d        \n", tempIn->date, tempIn->kode, tempIn->variety, tempIn->weight);
        tempIn = tempIn->next;

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