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Could you tell me why can't run this program in vc




# define LIST_INIT_SIZE 100

# define LIST_INCREMENT 10

using namespace std;

Struct Sqlist {

Newlist elem long * and *;

Int Length;

Int listsize;


Void Error (char * s)


Cout & lt;
The exit (1);


Void InitList_Sq (Sqlist & amp; L)//create table contains a number of data elements order


L.e lem=new long [LIST_INIT_SIZE];

if (! L.e lem)

The Error (" Overflow!" );

L.L ength=0;

L.l istsize=LIST_INIT_SIZE;


Void Create_Sq (Sqlist * L)


Int I, num;

Cout & lt; <"Please enter the number sequence table element:";

Cin & gt;> num;

Cout & lt; <"Please input data elements:";

For (I=0; i

Cin & gt;> L-> Elem [I];

L-> Length++;


Cout & lt; <"Create order table: success!"

Void Increment (Sqlist & amp; L)//to order table extended LIST_INCREMEN space of data element


L.n ewlist=new long [L.l istsize + LIST_INCREMENT];//LIST_INCREMENT additional storage space

if (! L.n ewlist)

The Error (" Overflow!" );//storage allocation failure

For (int I=0; i

L.n ewlist [I]=L.e lem [I];

}//release of the original element occupies space

L.e lem=L.n ewlist;//handed over to the first address space;//transfer space first address

The delete [] L.e lem.

L.l istsize +=LIST_INCREMENT;//modify the current order form the largest space


Void ListInsert_Sq (Sqlist & amp; L, int, int) e

//in the first before I place order in table L insert element e; If the insert position is not reasonable, exit, related information is given and the

//I reasonable range is 1 & lt;=i<=L.l ength + 1


If ((i<1) | | (i> L.L ength + 1))//insert element parameters unreasonable

The Error (" Position Error!" );

If (L.L ength & gt;=LIST_INIT_SIZE)//if the current storage space is full, then increase the space

Increment (L);//add space function

Long * q=& amp; (L.e lem] [I - 1);//pointer q to insert

Long * p=& amp; (L.e lem [L.L] ength - 1);

For (p; P & gt;=q; P -)//to move backward elements


* (p + 1)=* p;


* q=e;//in the first position insert element in the I e L

L.L ength++;//modify the current length of the sequence table


Void ListDelete_Sq (Sqlist & amp; L, int, int & amp; E)

//delete order form in the ith element and returns its value e


If (i<1 | | i> L.L ength)//delete elements of unreasonable parameter

The Error (" Position Error!" );

E=L.e lem [I - 1);//to assign values of the elements is to be deleted to e

Long * p=& amp; (L.e lem] [I - 1);//point to delete the location of the place element

For (+ + p; p <=(L.e lem + L.L ength - 1); P++)//in order to move forward element


* (p=* p - 1);


L.L ength -;

Cout & lt; <"Remove elements is:";

Cout & lt;
}//modify the length of L

Int LocatElem_Sq (Sqlist L, int e)


Int j=1;

Long * q=L.e lem.

While ((j & lt;=L.L ength) & amp; & (* q!=e))





If (j & lt; L.L ength)

Return j;

The else

return 0;


Void getElem_Sq (Sqlist L, int, int & amp; E)//output in order to operate in the table of the elements


If ((i<1) | | (i> L.L ength))//whether the output request parameters reasonable

The Error (" Position Error!" );

E=L.e lem [I - 1); With e//return a list of the order of the ith element values

Cout & lt;

Void printElem_Sq Sqlist (L)//output sequence in the table all the elements of existing


Cout & lt; <"The elements in the sequence table is as follows:" & lt;
int i;

For (I=0; i

Cout & lt; <" "& lt;

Cout & lt;

Int main ()


Sqlist L;

Int e, n, the number;

While (1)


Cout & lt; <"1, create information table" & lt;
Cout & lt; <"2, insert element" & lt;
Cout & lt; <"3, query element" & lt;
Cout & lt; <"4, remove elements" & lt;
Cout & lt; <"5, exit the program" & lt;
Cout & lt; <"Please choose to perform the operation:";

Cin & gt;> n;

The switch (n)


Case 1:

InitList_Sq (L);

Create_Sq (& amp; L);

PrintElem_Sq (L);


Case 2:

Cout & lt; <"Please input the position of the insert and elements:";

Cin & gt;> Number & gt;> e;

While (e!=0)


ListInsert_Sq (L, number, e);

PrintElem_Sq (L);

Cout & lt; <"Please input the position of the insert and elements:";

Cin & gt;> Number & gt;> e;



Case 3:

Cout & lt; <"Please enter a search elements:";

Cin & gt;> e;

While (e!=0)


LocatElem_Sq (L, e);

Cout & lt; <"The element is located the position of the sequence table is:" & lt;
Cout & lt; <"The element is:";

GetElem_Sq (L, LocatElem_Sq (L, e), e);

Cout & lt; <"Please enter a search elements:";

Cin & gt;> e;



Case 4:

Cout & lt;
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