Int JC (int y);
Double SCN (double x);
using namespace std;
Const double TINY_VALUE=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/1e-10;
The main ()
Double r, s,
Double k;
Cout<" Please enter the r or s & lt;"
cin> s;
If (r * r<=s * s)
K=SQRT (SCN (r) * SCN (r) + SCN (s) * the SCN (s));
The else
K=(1/2.0) * SCN (r * s);
Cout<" The result is equal to="& lt;
return 0;
/* double SCN (double x)
Double g=0;
Double t=x;
Int n=1;
Do {
G +=t;
T=t * x * x/(2 * n - 1)/(2 * n - 2);
} while (fabs (t) & gt;=TINY_VALUE);
Return g;
} */
Int JC (int y)
int n;
If (n!
=1)JC n=n * (n - 1);
The else
return 1;
Return n.
Double SCN (double x)
A double v=0;//the return value
Int FM=1;//the denominator
Int o=1;
Int g;
Double e=x;
If (FM % 4==1)
V=v + g;
The else
V=v - g;
E=e * * x (x);
FM=(FM + 2);
O=JC (FM);
} while (fabs (g) & gt;=TINY_VALUE);
Return v.