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The drop down element is not locating


Requirement : Click on the drop down and the drop down should open.


<span  dir="ltr" data-select2-id="3522" style="width: 208.328px;" xpath="1">
<span >
<span  role="combobox" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="true" tabindex="0" aria-disabled="false" aria-labelledby="select2-_ID-container" aria-owns="select2_ID-results" aria-activedescendant="select2_ID-result-pwlg-2">
<span  id="select2_ID-container" role="textbox" aria-readonly="true" title="Choose Inco Term">Choose Inco Term</span>
<span  role="presentation">
<b role="presentation"></b>

The element is located on the UI:
But when I use the same id on the code as below:


Then I get the following error:

Timed out retrying: Expected to find element: #select2_ID-container, but never found it.

I also tried {force: true}:


CodePudding user response:

There is a different id shown above, perhaps you want


CodePudding user response:

Perhaps you are looking for role="combobox", since this is likely to be the dropdown.


CodePudding user response:

#select2_ID-container is the selector for the first option in the dropdown list which is Choose Inco Term. You can use this to open the drop down.


Or, You can also use the text to find and click.

cy.contains('Choose Customer').click()

CodePudding user response:

The jQuery select2 has a visible textbox which can be clicked to show the options.

If you're having trouble with the ID, this is how I would approach the test

cy.get('.select2 [title="Choose Inco Term"]')
  .as('select2')                              // alias the textbox
  .click()                                    // open the options list

// Options now open
cy.contains('li.select2-results__option', 'TextOfOption').click()  // choose an option

// Verify
  .find('li.select2-selection__choice')     // choice is listed under textbox
  .should('contain', 'TextOfOption')        // check the text

// Remove
  .find('.select2-selection__choice__remove')  // remove button

  .should('not.contain', 'TextOfOption')       // check text has gone
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