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What is the code to concatenate 2 dataframes in this specific way with python


I'm currently facing a problem, that I can't solve. I spent 6hours trying to find a solution but in the end nothing worked for me, probably because I don't use the wright things. (I'm using python, pandas, numpy)

Imagine that I have 2 dataframes that are the same except that the second one has 5 day less than the other for each cluster. Where "day" and "cluster" are column names which are sorted. And each cluster has a different number of days.

Graphically the situation is: https://i.stack.imgur.com/w8wDk.jpg

Now I want to merge / concatenate in such a way that my dataframe not merge depending on index. I want the first rows of the second dataframe to match the first rows of the first dataframe. Consequently it will induce NA values for the 5 last rows of the second dataframe in the merged one.

Graphically the situation will be: https://i.stack.imgur.com/nFWHa.jpg

How can I proceed to fix this situation ?

Thank you in advance for any kind of help, I've already tried lot of things, I'm really struggling with this problem.

CodePudding user response:

I admit that this is not the prettiest solution, but at least it works. Assuming that the taller and shorter frames are f1 and f2, respectively, the steps are

  1. Create a "fake" frame f with the same height as f1 but with no cluster column.
  2. Gradually fill f at relevant indices taken from f1 with data from f2.
  3. Concatenate the (partially filled) f with f1

To demonstrate this idea, let's say that the two frames are

>>> f1
   cluster  day  A  B
0        2    0  1  2
1        2    1  3  4
2        1    2  5  6
3        1    3  7  8

>>> f2
   cluster  day   A   B
0        1    5  10  20
1        1    9  30  40
2        2    6  50  60

The code is as follows (where np is numpy)

f = f1.drop('cluster', axis=1).copy()   # the fake frame
f[:] = np.nan
f1g = f1.groupby('cluster')   # Allow for a second indexing way using cluster id
f2g = f2.groupby('cluster')

clusters1 = f1g.groups.keys()
clusters2 = f2g.groups.keys()
for cluster in (clusters1 & clusters2):
    idx1 = f1g.get_group(cluster).index   # indices of entries of the current cluster in f1
    idx2 = f2g.get_group(cluster).index   # indices of entries of the current cluster in f2
    m = len(idx2)
    f.loc[idx1[0:m]] = f2.loc[idx2[0:m], ['day', 'A', 'B']].to_numpy()   # fill the first m entries of current cluster in f with data from f2

And the result after concatenating the fake f and the taller f1

>>> pd.concat([f1, f], axis=1)
   cluster  day  A  B  day     A     B
0        2    0  1  2  6.0  50.0  60.0
1        2    1  3  4  NaN   NaN   NaN
2        1    2  5  6  5.0  10.0  20.0
3        1    3  7  8  9.0  30.0  40.0

Final note: You can obtain idx1 and idx2 in the for loop using ways other than groupby, but I think the latter is one of the fastest ways to do this.

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