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How to merge multiple JSON objects into a Python DataFrame based on timestamp?


I have a graphql query that returns a string of JSON-formatted data, with 3 separate JSON objects inside. It looks like this:

  "data": {
    "readingsList": [
        "value": 137,
        "millis": 1651449224000
        "value": 141,
        "millis": 1651448924000
    "messagesList": [
        "value": 138,
        "dateMillis": 1651445346000,
        "text": "foo",
        "type": "bar",
        "field1": False
    "userList": [
        "userTimezone": "America/Los_Angeles"

What I'm trying to do is

  1. Merge the first two objects (readingsList and messagesList) based on the time (millis and dateMillis) into a dataframe
  2. Convert that time into a UTC datetime value (e.g. 1651449224000 becomes 2022-05-01 18:53:44)
  3. Convert the UTC datetime value into local time for the user based on the users Timezone from userList

Desired output:


    datetime             value   text   type   field1   ...
    2022-05-01 18:53:44  137     NA     NA     NA
    2022-05-01 18:48:44  141     NA     NA     NA
    2022-05-01 17:49:06  138     foo    bar    False

I can do steps 2 and 3 but I don't know how to do step 1.

If I convert the string using json.loads() and pd.read_json() I get the following output:

import json
import pandas as pd

json_str = load_data_gql(...)
j = json.loads(json_str)
df = pd.read_json(j)


    groupsList    [{'userTimezone': 'America/Los_Angeles'}]
    messagesList  [{'value': 138, 'dateMillis': 1651445346000, ...
    readingsList  [{'value': 137, 'millis': 1651449224000}, {'value'...

I now suspect that the answer has to somehow do with json_normalize() but I'm having difficulty applying what I read in that documentation to navigate my JSON objects properly.

Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated, thank you so much in advance.

CodePudding user response:

Proposed Solution:

Merging the dataframes in this case can be done with pandas.concat([df_1,df_2])

Here's the code I used:

import json
import pandas as pd

json_obj = json.load(open('json_str_file.json', 'r')) # if reading from file
# json_obj = json.loads(json_str) # if reading from a string

# create two separate frames from each nested dictionary object
df_1 = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(json_obj['data']['messagesList'])
df_2 = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(json_obj['data']['readingsList'])

# set the index to the column you want to merge them on
df_1.set_index('dateMillis', inplace=True)
df_2.set_index('millis', inplace=True)

# use pd.concat to stack the dataframes together
df_merged = pd.concat([df_1,df_2])

# fix field1 to be a boolean field
df_merged['field1'] = df_merged['field1'].astype(bool)

# confirm the result matches the target


               value text type  field1
1651445346000    138  foo  bar   False
1651449224000    137  NaN  NaN    True
1651448924000    141  NaN  NaN    True

From here you should be able to do steps 2 and 3 from your post.

Issues with the JSON

The example you gave had some formatting issues that might cause some confusion. messagesList and readingsList needed to be separated by a ',' for me. Also json.load() didn't like the value of False in my example.

Here is the reformatted JSON

  "data": {
    "readingsList": [
        "value": 137,
        "millis": 1651449224000
        "value": 141,
        "millis": 1651448924000
    "messagesList": [
        "value": 138,
        "dateMillis": 1651445346000,
        "text": "foo",
        "type": "bar",
        "field1": 0
    "userList": [
        "userTimezone": "America/Los_Angeles"

Potential Confusion:

  • JSON string could be formatted poorly
  • json.loads() returns an object of type dict with nested elements.
  • pd.read_json() expects a object of type str
  • using pd.DataFrame.from_dict() works with dict objects and allows you to address the nested components like this: j['data']['messagesList']
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