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split and loop in Ruby


I am new to ruby but the problem which I am trying to solve is bit logical.

I am getting a list of users who count is around 3000. but the api supports the response limit to 250 and also it does not support pagination or offset. So I have to hit this api in a loop such a way that every time I will get 250 records till I reach the count 3000. and on each round I am assigning some attributes to it.

api is a Get Request which fetch the list of users. api url: {{baseUrl}}/accounts/:id/users?limit=250&offset=0&count=true

api says - offset is record based, not page based,

How can I requests for users such as: First call for 0 to 250 then 250 to 500 then 500 to 750 till we reach the max count.

To generalize this I am thinking that whatever the count I will get it should loop through all and assign attributes.

CodePudding user response:

May be using Range#step?

require 'uri'
require 'net/http'

(0..3000).step(250) do |offset|
  uri = URI("#{base_url}/accounts/users?limit=250&offset=#{offset}")
  res = Net::HTTP.get_response(uri)

  puts res.body if res.is_a?(Net::HTTPSuccess)

Or may be such way with endless range

(0..).step(250) do |offset|
  uri = URI("#{base_url}/accounts/users?limit=250&offset=#{offset}")
  res = Net::HTTP.get_response(uri)

  if res.is_a?(Net::HTTPSuccess)
    puts res.body

You can also can use redo in the block to repeat bad request

CodePudding user response:

You can use Numeric#step to enumerate a sequence of offsets [0, 250, 500... 2750]. Then, assuming get_stuff returns an Array, you can stitch the results using Enumerator#flat_map:

stuff = 0.step(by:250, to:2999).flat_map do |offset|
  get_stuff(offset, 250)
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