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Directory list recursive parent and child within


I would like to get a directory listing with -recurse but to show the sub directories right under the parent. Here is what I tried:

Get-ChildItem -Directory -Depth 3 | Select-Object Fullname

The results show first top-level directories and only then level 2 and only then level 3


C:\Users\Moshe\onedrive\pictures\35mm_Film (has no sub directories)
C:\Users\Moshe\onedrive\pictures\Camera imports
C:\Users\Moshe\onedrive\pictures\Camera Roll

and only then

C:\Users\Moshe\onedrive\pictures\Camera imports\Folder1
C:\Users\Moshe\onedrive\pictures\Camera imports\Folder2
C:\Users\Moshe\onedrive\pictures\Camera imports\Folder3

and then

C:\Users\Moshe\onedrive\pictures\Camera Roll\2014
C:\Users\Moshe\onedrive\pictures\Camera Roll\2016

I would like to get the list showing parent and right underneath its sub dir For example:

C:\Users\Moshe\onedrive\pictures\35mm_Film (has no sub directories)
C:\Users\Moshe\onedrive\pictures\Camera imports

C:\Users\Moshe\onedrive\pictures\Camera imports\Folder1
C:\Users\Moshe\onedrive\pictures\Camera imports\Folder2
C:\Users\Moshe\onedrive\pictures\Camera imports\Folder3
C:\Users\Moshe\onedrive\pictures\Camera Roll

C:\Users\Moshe\onedrive\pictures\Camera Roll\2014
C:\Users\Moshe\onedrive\pictures\Camera Roll\2016

it will also be nice to have the count of files for each directory but not crucial

For example:

C:\Users\Moshe\onedrive\pictures\35mm_Film 100
C:\Users\Moshe\onedrive\pictures\Camera imports 0 (no files in the parent) C:\Users\Moshe\onedrive\pictures\Camera imports\Folder1 20


CodePudding user response:

To get the directories in that order you can use Sort-Object.


Get-ChildItem -Directory -recurse -Depth 3 | Select-Object Fullname | Sort-Object Fullname

This will give you the parent and their subfolders in order.

CodePudding user response:

If you want to do this without the need of sorting afterwards the solution can be a bit cumbersome, you can either use a recursive function / script block or as shown in this example, with a Stack<T> and as optional you can use a class:

class Tree {
    [int64] $Depth
    [string] $Path
    [int] $FileCount
    hidden [IO.DirectoryInfo] $Instance

    Tree ([IO.DirectoryInfo] $Directory, [int] $Depth) {
        $this.Instance = $Directory
        $this.Path     = $Directory.FullName
        $this.Depth    = $Depth

    [IO.DirectoryInfo[]] EnumerateDirectories() {
        return $this.Instance.EnumerateDirectories()

    [void] CountFiles() {
        $this.FileCount = $this.Instance.GetFiles().Count

$stack = [Collections.Generic.Stack[Tree]]::new()
$maxDepth = 3
# initial path here
$path = 'C:\Users\Moshe\onedrive\pictures'
$stack.Push([Tree]::new($path, 0))

while($stack.Count) {
    $folder = $stack.Pop()
    if($folder.Depth -gt $maxDepth) {

    # this condition is to skip hidden and system folders,
    # remove it if you want to show all
    if(-not ($folder.Instance.Attributes -band [IO.FileAttributes]'Hidden, System')) {

    foreach($i in $folder.EnumerateDirectories()) {
        $stack.Push([Tree]::new($i, $folder.Depth   1))
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