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Delphi SMARTCLIENT applications can do? Do you have any learning materials ah? thank you


Delphi SMARTCLIENT applications can do? Do you have any learning materials ah? thank you

CodePudding user response:

SmartClient specific what do you mean, what does it do, only from the literal understanding, range is wide,

CodePudding user response:

In today's enterprise computing, all kinds of large commercial software systems, office systems emerge in endlessly, but presents a common trend, it is a gradual move to the Internet, the Internet as the default runtime environment, the traditional Web development, including J2EE, Asp.Net, PHP, Struts, and even the frame in various Web platform of Ajax technology, presented the different product features, Web system User Experience (User Experience), from the initial pure HTML based simple Post/Get simple Web UI, as the main mechanism to use JavaScript has certain Interactive Web UI (Interactive), then the Ajax technology widespread application, reflect the trend of the process, is in the Web system, let the User interface (UI) to achieve the effect of, more and more close to the extent of the client software to achieve, including: data transmission speed, Interactive, interface richness,
Ajax is just mature application of Web technology, represent the higher level of the Web development and Web application user experience to the height of the overall background asynchronous data transmission, to completely eliminate the Web interface data update the refresh repeatedly, but, in the complicated enterprise applications, the rich people want to realize more complex software interface, and software usage scenarios for development technology has more stringent requirements, makes Ajax in many areas of enterprise applications, is still no power, in particular, is embodied in the following several aspects:

UI is confined to the browser's ability range, it is difficult to make beyond ability to HTML object interface effect, although some of the top master of Web technology, and by using the method of piecing together writing complex JS statements, stick a number of different HTML objects together, and a certain degree of simulating the original only in the client program can achieve interface effect, but the interface friendly and native Windows application still have big disparity;
JS based Web interface can't achieve high performance, after all in the browser, all scripts are interpreted, the execution efficiency is only about one over ten of the compiler language, nature is even lower, thus if the regular Web technologies used to implement the algorithm of the client will be low efficiency;
Embedded in a Web of JavaScript, not be able to access the local hard disk, the equipment, therefore also cannot achieve offline data staging, it is impossible to directly manipulate the API to achieve print;

CodePudding user response:

Is all about the mechanism of Ajax browser XMLHttpRequest object, and the data acquisition, analysis is done through the complicated JavaScript to, so, the current various Ajax development kit cannot be thoroughly is convenient, and personnel need to develop a detailed understanding of the Ajax data processing;
In order to make up for the shortcomings of Web development emerged in the field of Rich Internet Application (RIA), is that the system run for the first time, need to download and install a container environment, by installing browser client browser extensions to expand capacity, and to realize the general Web interface cannot realize UI, making complicated Web interface, the current common RIA technology solutions include: Adobe Flash/Flex and Silverlight, MS Sun's Java Applet, zhengyang Appeon, and CBX framework, although is RIA solution, but the emphasis of the technical scheme is different, the Flash and Silverlight is focus on the media present, mainly focuses on the visual effects the performance of the hearing of the page; Java Applet is applied to the general Web extension development; And Appeon, which is geared to the needs of commercial development and enterprise applications, in which CBX framework has its own unique characteristics, the current enterprise application development areas there are a large number of Web application development demand, very need to apply to RIA framework of enterprise application development, however, is suitable for enterprise development needs little optional technical solutions, shenzhen zhengyang companies for this requirement, developed a RIA technology based on the original concept programming environment Appeon architecture, the powerful Data Window moved to the Web, making the concept of RIA got very good application in the field of enterprise, and today we CBX framework, for the similar application scenarios, fully absorb the merits of the Appeon, abandon its drawback and introduced based on Delphi 7, but more powerful enterprise applications RIA technology solutions,

CBX exactly what is that? CBX in particular, is a set of RIA development framework of the architecture and solutions, it is a member of numerous RIA solution, the value of it is, can the Delphi development of desktop application technology, used to run in the Web/Internet application, at the same time, achieve the function of a series of Internet automatic deployment, and perfect embedded in the IE,
RIA solution has three core elements:

Run the client container (host in a specific browser)
The server deployment environment
Development environment
CBX is a complete RIA application development framework, it fully with the three key elements, include: run browser ao container plug-in; The host in IIS application servers and deployment server; Based on the Delphi 7 extension of powerful development environment,
The value of which is:

Can be a powerful Delphi7 development desktop application ability on the browser, far beyond the Web development technology based on Html and Ajax technology ability, it means: almost all the VCL control can be used directly in the Web client; Almost all of the Windows API can be invoked on the client side; The client code execution efficiency reached the level of c + +; Can access all of the client computer hardware resources,
Container has a simple and efficient powerful server environment, and to be able to use the Delphi Midas the development pattern of high efficiency, able to penetrate the firewall, running application server on the Internet, natural integration stateless middle tier of business objects mechanism, simplicity of the system level, three layer architecture of high-performance, fully embodies the characteristics of the three-tier architecture system to an extreme.
Which have highly open access interface, the natural interaction and integration, and various Web oriented system such as JSP, ASP, ASP.Net, PHP, and static HTML pages, developers not only freely CBX module can be embedded into the pure Web system, but also through the flexible interface and CBX object interaction, which ACTS as a variety of pure Web solution in strong supplement, make up for the pure HTML technical ability, knowledge and skills

CodePudding user response:

CBX compared with other RIA technology scheme is as follows:

From the table we can compare the different characteristics of different RIA solution, we can see that CBX framework in which, the biggest weakness is a cross-platform (single to Winodws/IE platform), in addition to this, are all strengths, CBX framework has a strong advantage, is the enterprise data of ultra high performance, it is well known that all Web Service/Soap and Ajax, its data transmission format is XML, and that the packet is a very loose, CBX framework, ao and communication between the middle tier object, adopted RemObject Bin - HTTP protocol, packet format itself is adopt austerity, greatly superior to XML format, as well as to make the zip packet, as a result, with the amount of data packets, which transport volume is only 1/4 to 1/6 of the XML, as a result, the data transmission speed is Soap or Ajax 4 to 6 times, that, far more than other RIA solution, for domestic relatively complex network environment, this is a very valuable feature, can greatly improve system performance in the Internet,
CBX framework is one of the few to RIA ideas and Multitier concept of combining the technology solution, in which framework platform, not only has an automatic deployment mechanism of client object, but also a server-side container platform, allows developers to write in the form of Delphi Midas server module, powerful functions, development is very convenient, stateless object Pooling of high performance, here has the perfect deduce.

CodePudding user response:

This how to say, D actually play master, feel is also very powerful,
Delphi directly write assembly code is no problem, inside SmartClient should also can do
But apparently the.net platform is more suitable for some ~

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