Home > Back-end >  Will order tomcat8.5 startup. Bat after start-up, shutdown, bat can't close the window
Will order tomcat8.5 startup. Bat after start-up, shutdown, bat can't close the window


Online to find a lot of posts:
1, add tomcat memory, change configurations are useless
2, check whether the project mysql JDBC package is repeated
Other reasons not found, your bosses, have encountered the same problem, consult everybody ~ ~ thank you!

06 - Apr - 2020 17:57:54. 417 information [main] org. Apache. Coyote. AbstractProtocol. Start Starting ProtocolHandler [HTTP - nio - 8088 ""]
06 - Apr - 2020 17:57:54. 434 information [main] org. Apache. Coyote. AbstractProtocol. Start Starting ProtocolHandler [ajp - nio - 8089 ""]
06 - Apr - 2020 17:57:54. 442 information [main] org. Apache. Catalina. Startup. Catalina. Start Server startup in 59533 ms
06 - Apr - 2020 17:59:15. 861 information [main] org. Apache. Catalina. Core. StandardServer. Await A valid shutdown command was received via the shutdown port. Stopping the Server instance.
06 - Apr - 2020 17:59:15. 862 information [main] org. Apache. Coyote. AbstractProtocol. Pause Pausing ProtocolHandler [HTTP - nio - 8088 ""]
06 - Apr - 2020 17:59:16. 950 information [main] org. Apache. Coyote. AbstractProtocol. Pause Pausing ProtocolHandler [ajp - nio - 8089 ""]
06 - Apr - 2020 17:59:17. 936 information [main] org. Apache. Catalina. Core. StandardService. StopInternal Stopping service [catalina]
06 - Apr - 2020 17:59:19. 599 warning [localhost - startStop - 2] org. Apache. Catalina. Loader. WebappClassLoaderBase. ClearReferencesJdbc The web application/HPRDZHRD registered The JDBC driver [com. Alibaba. Druid. Mock. MockDriver] but failed to unregister it when The web application was stopped. To prevent a memory leak, The JDBC driver has had been forcibly unregistered.
06 - Apr - 2020 17:59:19. 600 warning [localhost - startStop - 2] org. Apache. Catalina. Loader. WebappClassLoaderBase. ClearReferencesJdbc The web application/HPRDZHRD registered The JDBC driver [net. Sourceforge. JTDS. JDBC. Driver] but failed to unregister it when The web application was stopped. To prevent a memory leak, The JDBC driver has had been forcibly unregistered.
06 - Apr - 2020 17:59:19. 601 warning [localhost - startStop - 2] org. Apache. Catalina. Loader. WebappClassLoaderBase. ClearReferencesJdbc The web application/HPRDZHRD registered The JDBC driver [. Com. Mysql. JDBC driver] but failed to unregister it when The web application was stopped. To prevent a memory leak, The JDBC driver has had been forcibly unregistered.
06 - Apr - 2020 17:59:19. 601 warning [localhost - startStop - 2] org. Apache. Catalina. Loader. WebappClassLoaderBase. ClearReferencesJdbc The web application/HPRDZHRD registered The JDBC driver [com. Mysql. Fabric. JDBC. FabricMySQLDriver] but failed to unregister it when The web application was stopped. To prevent a memory leak, The JDBC driver has had been forcibly unregistered.
06 - Apr - 2020 17:59:19. 602 warning [localhost - startStop - 2] org. Apache. Catalina. Loader. WebappClassLoaderBase. ClearReferencesJdbc The web application/HPRDZHRD registered The JDBC driver [com. Alibaba. Druid. Proxy. DruidDriver] but failed to unregister it when The web application was stopped. To prevent a memory leak, The JDBC driver has had been forcibly unregistered.
06 - Apr - 2020 17:59:19. 605 warning [localhost - startStop - 2] org. Apache. Catalina. Loader. WebappClassLoaderBase. ClearReferencesThreads The web application [HPRDZHRD] appears to have started a thread named [Abandoned connection cleanup thread] but has failed to stop it. This is very likely to create a memory leak. The Stack trace of The thread:
Java.lang.object. Wait (Native Method)
Java. Lang. Ref. ReferenceQueue. Remove (ReferenceQueue. Java: 143)
Com. Mysql. JDBC. AbandonedConnectionCleanupThread. Run (AbandonedConnectionCleanupThread. Java: 41)
06 - Apr - 2020 17:59:19. 607 warning [localhost - startStop - 2] org. Apache. Catalina. Loader. WebappClassLoaderBase. ClearReferencesThreads The web application [HPRDZHRD] appears to have started a thread named [DefaultQuartzScheduler_Worker - 1] but has failed to stop it. This is very likely to create a memory leak. The Stack trace of The thread:
Java.lang.object. Wait (Native Method)
Org. Quartz. Simpl. SimpleThreadPool $WorkerThread. Run (568) SimpleThreadPool. Java:
06 - Apr - 2020 17:59:19. 608 warning [localhost - startStop - 2] org. Apache. Catalina. Loader. WebappClassLoaderBase. ClearReferencesThreads The web application [HPRDZHRD] appears to have started a thread named [DefaultQuartzScheduler_Worker - 2] but has failed to stop it. This is very likely to create a memory leak. The Stack trace of The thread:
Java.lang.object. Wait (Native Method)
Org. Quartz. Simpl. SimpleThreadPool $WorkerThread. Run (568) SimpleThreadPool. Java:
06 - Apr - 2020 17:59:19. 609 warning [localhost - startStop - 2] org. Apache. Catalina. Loader. WebappClassLoaderBase. ClearReferencesThreads The web application [HPRDZHRD] appears to have started a thread named [DefaultQuartzScheduler_Worker - 3] but has failed to stop it. This is very likely to create a memory leak. The Stack trace of The thread:
Java.lang.object. Wait (Native Method)
Org. Quartz. Simpl. SimpleThreadPool $WorkerThread. Run (568) SimpleThreadPool. Java: