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Every all curves in how to implement the chart reading excel at different positions in the table urg


Now code as described below, under the time column and this column I want to read the second curve starting line 5 how to set the great god

Private void button1_Click (object sender, EventArgs e)
OpenFileDialog fileDialog=new OpenFileDialog ();
FileDialog. Multiselect=true;
FileDialog. Title="select file";
XLS fileDialog. Filter="all files (* *) | *. XLS *";//set to choose the type of the file
If (fileDialog ShowDialog ()==DialogResult. OK)
The string file=fileDialog. FileName;//returns the full path to the file
Chart1. The DataSource=dt;
Chart1. DataBind ();
String a, b;
DataSet1=ExcelToDataSet (fileDialog. FileName);//read selected file

Foreach (DataRow Dr In dataSet1. Tables [0]. Rows)
A=Dr [r]. "time" the ToString ();
B=Dr [r]. "the" ToString ();
If (a=="")
If (b=="")
Chart1. Series [0]. Points. AddXY (Convert. ToString (a), the Convert. ToString (b));
Chart1. Series [1]. Points. AddXY (Convert. ToString (a), the Convert. ToString (b));

The static public DataSet ExcelToDataSet (string filename)
The DataSet ds;
String strCon="Provider=Microsoft. Jet. The OLEDB. 4.0;" +
"Extended Properties=8.0 Excel;" +
"Data source=" + filename;
OleDbConnection myConn=new OleDbConnection (strCon);
String strCom="SELECT * FROM [engineering data table $A3: J1000]".
MyConn. The Open ();
OleDbDataAdapter myCommand=new OleDbDataAdapter (strCom myConn);

Ds=new DataSet ();
MyCommand. The Fill (ds);
MyConn. Close ();
Return the ds;
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