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Are there a best practices of generate a increment sequence number in sql database?


I write a query to auto increase the sequence number of new record, Its works fine in single call.

insert into testTable (sequence_no) 
    case when exists (select sequence_no from testTable)
         then (select top(1) sequence_no  1 from testTable order by sequence_no desc)
         else '1'
    end as sequence_no

Then I add a thread remark on it, loop 100000 times, open 2 thread and run it same time.
thread 1:

declare @cnt INT =0;
while @cnt<100000
insert into testTable (sequence_no, thread_no) 
    case when exists (select sequence_no from testTable)
         then (select top(1) sequence_no  1 from testTable order by sequence_no desc)
         else '1'
    end as sequence_no, '1' as thread_no
SET @cnt = @cnt   1;

thread 2:

declare @cnt INT =0;
while @cnt<100000
insert into testTable (sequence_no, thread_no) 
    case when exists (select sequence_no from testTable)
         then (select top(1) sequence_no  1 from testTable order by sequence_no desc)
         else '1'
    end as sequence_no, '2' as thread_no
SET @cnt = @cnt   1;

The result around 70% request success, the others fail with

Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'sequence_no'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.testTable'.

I thought it will be solve if I use a transaction on each request, but the result is samiliar, around 70% success ,and others fail with PK duplicate.

Is it means my practise is bad for sequnce number generation?
Can someone give me a improvement?

CodePudding user response:

Each RDBMS system usually has it own "auto-number" (usually used for PrimaryKeys) setup.

MySql, Ms-Sql-Server, ORACLE,


Your question is tagged with (microsoft)sql-server, so I'll paste that.

Syntax for SQL Server The following SQL statement defines the "PersonKey" column to be an auto-increment primary key field in the "Person" table:

CREATE TABLE dbo.Person (
    PersonKey int IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY,
    LastName varchar(255) NOT NULL,
    FirstName varchar(255)



Do not reinvent the wheel.

So unless you are (trying) to INSERT a million rows in < 2 seconds....use what is already there for you.


You should not care that each primary-key is perfectly in sequence. Aka, "gaps" should be Ok.

if you think you need perfect sequencing, you need to ask yourself "why".

a primary key needs to be unique. having "order" helps with indexing.


1,2,3,6,7,9,11 are ordered. (4,5,8 are missing, but does it really matter that they are missing?)

CodePudding user response:

The first example in the question (sequence_no 1) is how NOT to do it! Instead, SQL Server has two ways you can do this, and either is acceptable:

  1. Define the column as an identity column, and omit it from the INSERT completely:

    insert into testTable (thread_no) VALUES ('1')
  2. Create a Sequence, and use the value from the sequence:

     insert into testTAble(sequence_no, thread_no) VALUES (NEXT VALUE FOR testTableSequence, '1')

Again, under no circumstances should you ever try to use TOP 1 sequence_no 1 or MAX(sequence_no) 1. That is wrong in SQL Server (really, it's wrong in MySql, too).

CodePudding user response:

Here is how I did it -- I had the last sequence number stored in a table called MetaInfo. This allowed people to pass a next sequence number to the SP and use that if it was greater than the max -- but give the max if not.

Full discussion is on db site here


You can see the locks needed and that it had to be in a transaction

  @inID bigInt 


      SET MetaValueLong = CASE 
                            WHEN ISNULL(MetaValueLong,0) > @inID THEN MetaValueLong 1 
                            ELSE @inID 1
    WHERE MetaKey = 'Internal-ID-Last'

    SELECT MetaValueLong 
    FROM MetaInfo
    WHERE MetaKey = 'Internal-ID-Last'


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