Home > Back-end >  How to do a button which change backgrtound color base on value from td?
How to do a button which change backgrtound color base on value from td?


How to do a button which change a background color of row base on the value from td. So if i hava value > 1000 my background color after click button must change

so now i have my table

<table >
                <tr >
                    <th>Vat </th>
                    <th>Kwota Brutto</th>
                    <th>Wartosc Netto</th>
                    <th>Wartosc Brutto</th>
                      <tr id="vatek" >
                        <td >2022</td>    
                                <a href="#" type="button"  onclick="setColor('#e47911')">Change</a>
    background-color: #e47911;
function setColor(color){ 

now i have when i click my button function only change my background color now i want to change if value from Wartosc Netto is > 1000 my background color of row must change .

CodePudding user response:

You could do something like this:

<table >
    <tr >
        <th>Vat </th>
        <th>Kwota Brutto</th>
        <th>Wartosc Netto</th>
        <th>Wartosc Brutto</th>

    <tr id="vatek" >
      <td id="wartosc-netto-value" data-myvalue="2022">2022</td>
        <a href="#" type="button"   data-color="#e47911">Change</a>



    $('.submit-btn3').on('click', function(e){
      let tdElement = document.getElementById('wartosc-netto-value');
      let wartoscNettoVal = parseInt(tdElement.dataset.myvalue);
      if( 1000 < wartoscNettoVal ){
        let newColor = this.dataset.color;

    function setNewColor( newColor ){
      let trElement = document.getElementById('vatek');
      trElement.style.backgroundColor = newColor;


Obviously, you should include Jquery library for this, for example using a cdn of the last minified version:

  integrity="sha256-/xUj 3OJU5yExlq6GSYGSHk7tPXikynS7ogEvDej/m4="

CodePudding user response:

You can do it like this, using vanilla js

      <table >
         <tr >
            <th>Vat </th>
            <th>Kwota Brutto</th>
            <th>Wartosc Netto</th>
            <th>Wartosc Brutto</th>
         <tr id="vatek" >
            <td >2022</td>
               <a href="#" type="button" >Change</a>
         <tr >
            <td >100</td>
               <a href="#" type="button" >Change</a>
         <tr >
            <td >3000</td>
               <a href="#" type="button" >Change</a>
               function setColor(e){
               const colors = ['#e47911', 'green'];
               const wartoscNetto = e.target.offsetParent.parentNode.children[6].innerText;
               const currentTr = e.target.offsetParent.parentNode;
               if(wartoscNetto > 1000) return currentTr.style.backgroundColor=colors[0];
               const btn = document.querySelectorAll('.submit-btn3');

               btn.forEach(el => el.addEventListener('click', setColor));


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