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Questions about Delphi thread creation and termination


Question 1: about threads create
I use the creation of the method is:
Thread1=class (TThread)
{Private declarations}
Procedure the Execute; Override.
Then in Thread1. Execute in implementation process, direct use of Thread1. Create create
Then create this way I can get handle to create a thread? If I want to force this thread do??

Question 2: what effect will thread forced termination??

Question 3: terminatethread and the terminate function how to terminate the thread?? If a thread in the while loop, can terminate?

A total of three problem, a 50 points, wish you a great god help me, thank you

CodePudding user response:

My idea is to declare global thread object variable in the main interface, it can use this instance at any time, after starting a thread, if you need to interrupt, is in the thread of the EXECUTE method of judging in the loop body increase, if be interrupted jump out,

CodePudding user response:

TTdownLoadThread=class (TThread)
Procedure the Execute: override;
TDownLoad: TTdownLoadThread;

Procedure TForm1. Button1Click (Sender: TObject);
The begin
TDownLoad:=TTdownLoadThread. Create (false);
TDownLoad. Resume;

Procedure TTdownLoadThread. Execute;
The begin
While XXX do
The begin
If be interrupted then break;//here can't write,


CodePudding user response:

While not Terminated do

CodePudding user response:

Give an example, for reference only:
 unit LongWaitTrd; 


USES Classes, Windows, Messages, SyncObjs;

Type TLongWaitTrd=class (TThread)
FMainWin: THandle;
QuitEvent: TEvent;
Procedure SendFeedBackToMainWin ();
Procedure DoTheHardWork ();
Procedure the Execute; Override.
The constructor Create (CreateSuspended: Boolean); The destructor Destroy; Override.
The function ExitLongWaitTrd () : a Boolean;
The property MainWin: THandle read FMainWin write FMainWin;


USES Unit1;

The constructor TLongWaitTrd. Create (CreateSuspended: Boolean);
The begin
Inherited the Create (CreateSuspended);

Destructor TLongWaitTrd. Destroy;
The begin

Procedure TLongWaitTrd. DoTheHardWork ();
The begin
//to do

Procedure TLongWaitTrd. Execute;
Var Msg: TMsg;
The begin
//1. The long wait for sample type thread
//while GetMessage (Msg, 0, 0, 0) do
//the begin
//if (Msg) message=WM_USER + 1000) then//tasks to
//the begin
//DoTheHardWork ();
//if (Msg) message=WM_QUIT) then
//the begin
//QuitEvent. SetEvent;
//2. Long working type thread sample
//while (true) do
//the begin
//if PeekMessage (Msg, 0, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE) then
//the begin
//if (Msg) message=WM_QUIT) then
//the begin
//QuitEvent. SetEvent;
//DoTheHardWork ();

The function TLongWaitTrd. ExitLongWaitTrd;
The begin
QuitEvent:=TEvent. Create (nil, True, False, 'QuitEvent');
PostThreadMessage (ThreadID, WM_QUIT, 0, 0);
If (QuitEvent WaitFor (2000)=wrTimeOut) then
QuitEvent. Free;

Procedure TLongWaitTrd. SendFeedBackToMainWin ();
Var Status: String;
The begin
If (MainWin<> 0) then
The begin
Status:='The data from The had been processed by thread.';
PostMessage (MainWin, WM_USER + 2000, 0, an Integer (Status))


CodePudding user response:

The LS, learned a recruit, thank

CodePudding user response:

Thank you for the great god, let the thread about flags to exit the way I would have used, just not to use certain special circumstances, such as I receive TCP received message in the thread, use a control to receive is blocking, or behind a lot of time is needed to deal with other functions, then loop back judgment sign a middle time interval is a bit too long, so want to force the thread exit method, and forced the thread out of any defects or bad effect??

CodePudding user response:

Examples of the 4th floor, because I have no idea about the way the news, so has not yet been tried, but the way I create a thread is not directly use API function, so can't get a handle, and there are other good solution?? By the way, tell me something about the compulsory end thread will have what not good!!!!!!!!!

CodePudding user response:

Windows on the thread object Handle to Handle is

CodePudding user response:

SOCK obstruction, to ask, I know JAVA, the same problem, can't interrupt thread group game, later changed to Netty, Delphi similar frame?

CodePudding user response:

Baidu, also seems to have a non-blocking mode

CodePudding user response:

Is commonly used while judgment Terminated in properties

CodePudding user response:

In the main thread unit set a bStop: Boolean; Initialized to False; The thread loop can visit bStop, if bStop then break; Jump out of the loop, can Execute over,,,,,,, generally end in this way the thread is ok, end of the "natural", of course you also can end violence, set a variable in the main thread th1: Thread1, this variable in the build thread thread is used to record the data, need to the end of the violence, with th1 directly. The Terminate

CodePudding user response:

X, all say blocked also flags, it will stop until there are data in there

CodePudding user response:

I am used to so get
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