Home > Back-end >  Upload a 50 MB of video, the browser will not receive springboot background the data returned
Upload a 50 MB of video, the browser will not receive springboot background the data returned


My springboot program is to use nginx, then springboot invokes the minio upload video, but video upload slowly, usually it takes ten minutes, when I springboot return data, no return at all in nginx data to the browser, there is a return request is truncated, I actually just return to the upload file name/path, I saw the nginx also didn't see any error log, I where the nginx is set up in the wrong?? As shown in the following

My software had been installed by docker

The user nginx.
Worker_processes 1;

Error_log/var/log/nginx/error log warn.
Pid/var/run/nginx. Pid;

Events {
Worker_connections 1024;

Include/etc/nginx/mime types;
Default_type application/octet - stream;

Log_format main '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] "$request"'
'$$body_bytes_sent status "$http_referer"'
'" $http_user_agent "" $http_x_forwarded_for";

Access_log/var/log/nginx/access. Log the main;

Sendfile on;
# tcp_nopush on;

Keepalive_timeout 30 m;

Client_max_body_size 1024 m;

# gzip on;

# include/etc/nginx/conf. D/*. Conf.

Upstream rradmin {

Upstream minio - server {
Server weight=25 max_fails=2 fail_timeout=3000 s;
Server weight=25 max_fails=2 fail_timeout=3000 s;
Server weight=25 max_fails=2 fail_timeout=3000 s;
Server weight=25 max_fails=2 fail_timeout=3000 s;

Listen, 80;
Server_name manage.xxxxx.com;
The location/{

Proxy_connect_timeout 75 s;
Proxy_read_timeout 60 m;
Proxy_send_timeout 30 m;

Client_max_body_size 1024 m;

Proxy_ignore_client_abort on;

Proxy_pass http://rradmin; # the request to the server list defined rradmin

Server {
Listen, 80;
Server_name image.xxxxx.com;
Charset utf-8;
Default_type text/HTML.
The location/{

Proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
Proxy_set_header X - Forwarded - For $remote_addr;
Client_body_buffer_size 100 m;
Client_max_body_size 10 g;
Proxy_buffers 1024 4 k;
Proxy_read_timeout 30000;
Proxy_next_upstream error timeout http_404;
Proxy_pass http://minio-server;



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