Explanation: I've created an STM32 project and aim to get a platform-independent build and output file like .hex, .bin, and .elf. For this, I created the project under the CMake build system. CMake configuration settings and toolchain settings have been made. However, towards the end of the build phase, I encountered this error.
Linker flags: Under "compiler_flags.cmake" file.
set(LD_FLAGS "-Wl,-Map=${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/${CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME}.map,--cref -T${LD_SCRIPT} -Wl,--gc-sections -static,--specs=nano.specs -mfpu=fpv4-sp-d16 -mfloat-abi=hard -Wl,--defsym,__cxa_pure_virtual=1 -Wl,--start-group -lc -lm -Wl,--end-group")
Error output:
Assembler messages:
Fatal error: bad defsym; format is --defsym name=value
ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
CodePudding user response:
have mistakes:
- there should be no whitespace in
-Wl, --gc-sections
-defsym ... __cxa_pure_virtual=1
should be changed to-Wl,--defsym,__cxa_pure_virtual=1
CodePudding user response:
The source of the error was in the assembler compiler toolchain definition. The problem was solved by typing arm-none-eabi-gcc.exe
instead of arm-none-eabi-as.exe