Is there an XML file, format is as follows:
There are several ZZJG structure, data
My statement is
Node:=xml_data. DocumentElement;
//Data_ZZJG data structure for cycle
For n:=0 to do data_count - 1
The begin
Node:=node.childnodes [' Data '].childnodes. Nodes [n].
//ZZJG inner loop
For I:=0 to the node. The.childnodes. Do the Count - 1
The begin
Memo2. Lines. The Add (node.childnodes [I] NodeName + ', '+ DecodeString (node. The.childnodes [I] Text));
Memo2. Lines. The Add (' -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ');
Outside circulation loop only once, it will only take a ZZJG data inside, and complains, how to modify the huh