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Pray god give CARDS insertion sort of pseudo code and JAVA code after improvement


Pray god give CARDS insertion sort of pseudo code and JAVA code after improvement

CodePudding user response:

Private static final String [] pokerArray={" A ", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "eight" and "9", "10", "J", "Q", "K"};

Private static final char [] decorArray={'? ', '? ', '? ', '? '};

/* *
* 1. Initialization orderly array,
* 2. Prompt the user for object attribute, the legitimacy of the calibration data
* 3. For the object should be inserted into the subscript:
* i. if the current object points less than a certain object in the list (list. Get (I)) of the points, suggests that the current object should be inserted in a (list. Get (I)) before
Ii. If the current object * points equal to a certain object in the list (list. Get (I)) points, compare the size of design and color, if the design and color is less than a certain object (list. Get (I)) points, illustrate the current object shall be inserted before an object
* iii. If did not find the subscript traversal is over, that the object is greater than the current list of all objects that can be directly inserted in the back

Public static void main (String [] args) {
ArrayList List=initArrayList ();;
System. Out. Println (" has 10 CARDS randomly generated for you, the order of playing CARDS is: ");
Scanner sc=new Scanner(System.in);
System. The out. Println (" -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ");
While (true) {
String point="";
Do {
Try {
System. The out. Println (" please input points: ");
Point=sc. NextLine ();
String finalPoint=point;
If (Arrays. Stream (pokerArray). NoneMatch (p - & gt; P.e quals (finalPoint))) {
System. The out. Println (" input points are not legitimate, please enter again: ");
//empty, continue to enter circulation
} the catch (Exception e) {
System. The out. Println (" input points not to recognize, please input again: ");
} while (". "equals (point));
Char decor=' ';
Do {
Try {
System. The out. Println (" please enter the color: ");
Decor=sc. NextLine (.) charAt (0);
boolean check=false;
For (char c: decorArray) {
If (c==decor) {
if (! Check) {
System. The out. Println (" input of design and color is not legal, please enter again: ");
Decor=' ';
} the catch (Exception e) {
System. The out. Println (" input of design and color is not to recognize, please input again: ");
} while (decor==");
Poker p=new Poker (point, decor);
Int index=getIndex (list, p);
if (index !=1) {
List. The add (the index, p);
System. The out. Println (" insertion is successful, the current order of playing CARDS is: ");
} else {
System. The out. Println (" current has been on the CARDS: ");


Private static ArrayList InitArrayList () {
ArrayList List=new ArrayList<> (a);
Do {
Poker p=new Poker (pokerArray [(int) (Math. The random () * 13)], decorArray [(int) (Math. The random () * 4)]);
Int index=getIndex (list, p);
if (index !=1) {
//card repeat, do not add
List. The add (the index, p);
} while (list. The size () & lt; 10);
return list;

Private static int getIndex (ArrayList The list, Poker p) {
If (a list. The size ()==0) {
return 0;
for (int i=0; I & lt; List. The size (); I++) {
//points less than the ith a sorted list object, showing the position of being inserted just before the element
If (getPointNum (p) & lt; GetPointNum (list. Get (I))) {
return i;
If (getPointNum (p)==getPointNum (list. Get (I))) {
//points less than equal to the design and color is less than a sorted list of the objects, I also want to insert position just before the element
If (getDecorNum (p) & lt; GetDecorNum (list. Get (I))) {
return i;
//if design and color is equal, that means repeat
If (getDecorNum (p)==getDecorNum (list. Get (I))) {
return -1;
//traverse shows the latest row is larger than any one element
Return the list. The size ();

Private static int getPointNum Poker (p) {
Int point=0;
for(int i=0; iIf (pokerArray [I] equals (p.g etPoint ())) {
Point=I + 1;
Return point.

Private static int getDecorNum Poker (p) {
Int decor=0;
for(int i=0; iIf (decorArray [I]==p.g etDecor ()) {
Decor=I + 1;
Return decor;

CodePudding user response:

Poker object code
Public class Poker {
String point;//points
Character decor;
//design and color
Public Poker (String point, Character decor) {
This. Point=point;
This. Decor=decor;

Public String getPoint () {
Return point.

Public void setPoint (String point) {
This. Point=point;

Public Character getDecor () {
Return decor;

Public void setDecor (Character decor) {
This. Decor=decor;

@ Override
Public String toString () {
Return "Poker {+"
"Point='" + point +' \ ' '+
='" + ", decor decor +' \ ' '+
'} ';

CodePudding user response:

Have 10 CARDS randomly generated for you, the order of playing CARDS is:
Poker {, decor point='A'='? '}
Poker {point='2', decor='? '}
Poker {point='2', decor='? '}
Poker {point='4', decor='? '}
Poker {point='6', decor='? '}
Poker {point='7', decor='? '}
Poker {point='7', decor='? '}
Poker {point='8', decor='? '}
Poker {point='8', decor='? '}
Poker {point='Q', decor='? '}
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Please input points:
Please enter the color:
Input of design and color is not legal, please enter again:
Please enter the color:
Currently on the card:
Please input points:
Please enter the color:
Insert the success, the current order of playing CARDS is:
Poker {, decor point='A'='? '}
Poker {point='2', decor='? '}
Poker {point='2', decor='? '}
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