I am using raw SQLAlchemy in a Flask app and used to face a lot of troubles using SQLAlchemy sessions. I used to get 500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR frequently mentioning that the last session was not closed properly or a rollback error. After identifying these issues I made modifications to my code and so far it is working great for me. But still, I get the error at times especially when my API breaks before the response. I want to know what will be the best way to use these sessions so that the commit()
, rollback()
, close()
, etc. happen at the right time and it is generalized for all the APIs. I know that Flask-SQLAlchemy is capable of handling this automatically but I want to stick to raw SQLAlchemy.
So far the best working code for me has been -
from flask import Flask
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
Session = sessionmaker(bind = mysql_engine())
db_session = Session()
@app.route('/get-score', methods=['POST'])
def handle_route1():
row = db_session.query(DB_Model_1) \
.filter(DB_Model_1.user_id == user_id) \
row = row[0] if row else None
if not row:
return {}
return {
'userId': row.user_id,
'score' : row.score
@app.route('/insert-score', methods=['POST'])
def handle_route2():
@app.route('/update-score', methods=['POST'])
def handle_route3():
@app.route('/delete-score', methods=['POST'])
def handle_route3():
I am taking care of GET
in all the different routes and I am looking for a way to handle these transactions as efficiently as possible to avoid breaking the connection to the database due to any error in API.
One way is to use try-except blocks but I believe there must be a better way than mentioning try-except blocks in every route individually.
CodePudding user response:
I believe that most elegant way is by using context manager with session / transaction scope:
from contextlib import contextmanager
def transaction_scope(session, close_at_exit=False):
yield session
except Exception:
if close_at_exit:
You can use it in two different way:
@app.route('/get-score', methods=['POST'])
def handle_route1():
with Session() as session:
with transaction_scope(session):
row = db_session.query(DB_Model_1) \
.filter(DB_Model_1.user_id == user_id) \
row = row[0] if row else None
if not row:
return {}
return {
'userId': row.user_id,
'score' : row.score
@app.route('/get-score', methods=['POST'])
def handle_route1():
session = Session()
with transaction_scope(session, close_at_exit=True):
row = db_session.query(DB_Model_1) \
.filter(DB_Model_1.user_id == user_id) \
row = row[0] if row else None
if not row:
return {}
return {
'userId': row.user_id,
'score' : row.score
CodePudding user response:
I highly recommend to read this part of the SQLAlchemy documentation.
But tl:dr you can use python context manager to control the scope of the session:
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
engine = create_engine('postgresql://scott:tiger@localhost/')
Session = sessionmaker(engine)
with Session.begin() as session: