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Mustache template for separate lists by category Id


Given some JSON data as array of items:

    "category": 1,
    "product": "Sugar"
    "category": 1,
    "product": "Oil"
    "category": 2,
    "product": "Spice"
    "category": 3,
    "product": "Salt"
    "category": 3,
    "product": "Eggs"
    "category": 5,
    "product": "Bread"
    "category": 5,
    "product": "Butter"
    "category": 7,
    "product": "Milk"

How can I render it using Mustache.js, so that the items are grouped by category Id into separate lists, also adding an empty placeholder for missing Id's (4 and 6 in this case), like:

<ul id="category-1">
<ul id="category-2">
<ul id="category-3">
<ul id="category-4">
<ul id="category-5">
<ul id="category-6">
<ul id="category-7">

CodePudding user response:

First you need to transform your data into a format you can easily map over with Mustache. Once you've done that, the templating becomes fairly straightforward.

Here's the basic approach below:

  1. Find the largest category number in your data, and save it as largestCategoryNumber
  2. Create an array that is largestCategoryNumber in length
  3. Populate that array with objects where the value of category is the array index and the value of product is the products from our original data that had that category number
  4. Render the template

const data = [
    "category": 1,
    "product": "Sugar"
    "category": 1,
    "product": "Oil"
    "category": 2,
    "product": "Spice"
    "category": 3,
    "product": "Salt"
    "category": 3,
    "product": "Eggs"
    "category": 5,
    "product": "Bread"
    "category": 5,
    "product": "Butter"
    "category": 7,
    "product": "Milk"

const largestCategoryNumber = Math.max(
  ...data.map(({category}) => category)

const formattedData = [];

Array.from(Array(largestCategoryNumber)).forEach((_, index) => {
    category: index,
    products: data
      .filter(obj => obj.category === index)
      .map(({product}) => product)

const templateData = { data: formattedData };

window.onload = () => {
  const template = document.getElementById('template').innerHTML;
  const rendered = Mustache.render(template, templateData);
  document.getElementById('target').innerHTML = rendered;
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/mustache.js/0.7.2/mustache.min.js"></script>

<div id="target"></div>

<script id="template" type="x-tmpl-mustache">
  <ul >

CodePudding user response:

I think we need to change the response according to our needs :

const data = response;
 const dataMap = data.reduce((r,v) =>{
             {product: v.product} 

in UI: result dataMap is

    "1": [
            "product": "Sugar"
            "product": "Oil"
    "2": [
            "product": "Spice"
    "3": [
            "product": "Salt"
            "product": "Eggs"
    "5": [
            "product": "Bread"
            "product": "Butter"
    "7": [
            "product": "Milk"

and we can use in our ui

 for (i of Object.keys(dataMap)) {
       // i for category 
      // dataMap[i] for array product

hope it helps.

CodePudding user response:

Figured out a solution that does involve data transformation to suit Mustache template format, but performs fewer iterations than cjl750's answer below (which does filter and map for each item):

// fill data array with empty/no products for all categories (max 7 in this case)
for (let i = 1; i < 8; i  )
  data.push({ category: i });

// group by categories and add products
const grouped = Object.values(data.reduce((r, i) => {
  r[i.category] = r[i.category] || { category: i.category, products: [] };

  if (i.product)
    r[i.category].products.push({ product: i.product });

  return r;
}, {}));

It will transform the data array to a grouped object array, like:

    "category": 1,
    "products": [
       { "product": "Sugar" },
       { "product": "Oil" }

Now the template can simply be:

<template id="template">
  <ul >
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